View Full Version : tension headaches

17-03-10, 20:54
sorry but i post this is different forum but didnt get a reply

never real had this before but i getting this feeling at the back my head like there some one griping there hand on the back out my head

is this tension?

i feel very stress all i keep thinking is about death:weep:

andrea thompson
17-03-10, 21:34
hiya hon

it sounds like could be tension - i sometimes feel like the hand is on the back of my neck. i have been told to relieve tension lay on the floor with your legs up on the settee or chair, hands behind your head and just let the tension fade away!!!! midwife told me - try it - it works for me.

also the death fear thing is really horrible but it will fade. i have had it before and it gradually passed as i became less stressed and i am having it at the minute and i hope it passes again!!!!! fingers crossed.

are you on meds. i am on citalopram - about two weeks ago i was thinking about death about 80% of the time. i went to the dr and he increased me from 20 - 40 MG. i have been off work for a month this time. i think the extra meds and the rest have worked wonders i now only worry bout death about 40% of the time.

dont worry about not getting any replies on here - its happened to me a few times. if you put please help in the title i think it provokes a response from more people.

take care and private message me if you think i can help. i not always on here but will reply as soon as can..

andrea x x

17-03-10, 22:16
thank you andrea

i also take 40mg citalopram
i was think going back to the doc but i dont want to waste there time
it dont feel like a headache if you know what i mean
it dont real feel that painful but its near slowly wearing me down

sarah jayne
18-03-10, 18:20
Citalopram can cause headaches, i had to come off it because of them. It could be a tension headache though, have you tried using heat to try to sooth it ? I find holding a hot water bottle at the back of the head / neck helps..x

18-03-10, 22:07
thank you Sarah, i give that a go been on citalopram on off for 3 years

went back to the doctors today tell her how stress out i feel like just wanna give in and cry

the odd bit for me the head pains are not in the same place and at the back of my head it feel's tight. friend's have told me that a sure sign of tension headache's
is that true?

18-03-10, 22:44
I have bad headaches and have had mystery facial pain (probably anxity) but I do find that yoga does really really help tension headaches.