View Full Version : Help please!! is this anxiety ??

17-03-10, 21:35
Hello all look like realy helpfull forums here !!

Im looking for some answers if anyone could help please ?? If i list the symtoms then maybe you could say if they may be linked to anxiety or not,

The main ones are , feeling unbalanced all the time every second of every day , if im walking it feels like im sort of swaying about and going to fall over however i never have . The worse one is standing still say in a supermarket que, or having a cup of tea at work i always feel as though i need to hold on to something , this is made worse if there are more people around , however it still exists if im completely on my own. I am even to scared to go to the hairdressers and sit in the chair for ten mins because my head feels like its spinning round and i get sort of jolts shooting through my head !! its very strange and hard to explain.

The next thing is my eyes !! this is also every day all the time , i find it really hard to focus and i feel like my eyes are just about everywhere . It is now nearly impossible for me to hold a conversation with anyone as im to scared to make eye contact because i think there gonna think im on drugs or something! But even when i do try it still just feels like my eyes are everywhere and i have to keep looking away. The bright daylight also makes them worse and changing from light to dark aswell. they also tend to water a lot making them even worse.
These symptoms are worsened in places like shopping centres , resteraunts e.t.c

other things include feeling low on evergy and just generally struggling through the day.

The reasons i ask if this is anxiety or not is because i dont feel im an anxious person , im not nervous ,and ive never had a panic attack.

Anyway sorry for the long post and ill stop rambling on , but if anyone has any input on this it would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou

andrea thompson
17-03-10, 21:47
hi hon

i get those symptoms - not constant though - but i believe mine is anxiety. the dr said its anxiety. have you seenthe dr about this. have a look at the symptoms listed on the left hand side of the page on this site. it lists every symptom you can think of. it certainly sounds like anxiety to me. when all this started for me it didnt enter my head that i was anxious or depressed. i thought i was diabetic or having a stroke. i was really shocked when the dr suggested that it was anxiety.

take care hon. you will get loads of support on here.

andrea x x

17-03-10, 21:48

What did your doctor say?

17-03-10, 21:54
Hi thanks for the quick replys and support , yes i have been to the doctor he said it was anxiety and prescribed me citalopram , this was about 2 weeks ago and i haven't started taking them because i was so sure he was wrong and looking for an easy way out , but after finding these forums im starting to think maybe he was right ??

17-03-10, 22:09
Well assuming he had a good look at you and checked stuff like heart and blood pressure then there is a good chance its anxiety. The only other things I can think of off the cuff would be types of vertigo and stuff like that where balance is impaired. The fact that you describe the symptoms as being worse in public places and in crowds does support an anxiety diagnosis.

Only a select (!) group of people get full blown panic attacks so that's not a factor. The rest of us just get anxious/figgity/stressed/weird heartbeats/you name it. Some even just get a bit light headed.

Your best bet is to read the descriptions of "Anxiety", "Symptoms", and "Social Phobia" or "Agoraphobia" on the left hand menu. If those don't help then there are other sites with similar information which can inform you too. Ask if you need some links.

Hope you feel better soon.

jude uk
18-03-10, 01:57
I think I would have a second opinion and see if its an inner ear balance problem....any ringing in the ears?

18-03-10, 13:06
f im walking it feels like im sort of swaying about and going to fall over however i never have . The worse one is standing still say in a supermarket que, or having a cup of tea at work i always feel as though i need to hold on to something , this is made worse if there are more people around , however it still exists if im completely on my own. I am even to scared to go to the hairdressers and sit in the chair for ten mins because my head feels like its spinning round and i get sort of jolts shooting through my head !! its very strange and hard to explain.

The next thing is my eyes !! this is also every day all the time , i find it really hard to focus and i feel like my eyes are just about everywhere . It is now nearly impossible for me to hold a conversation with anyone as im to scared to make eye contact because i think there gonna think im on drugs or something! But even when i do try it still just feels like my eyes are everywhere and i have to keep looking away. The bright daylight also makes them worse and changing from light to dark aswell. they also tend to water a lot making them even worse.

You know what...this is exactly me to the letter. Light changes are the worst. And if I look a something ALL white, it brings on the dizziness...how weird is that?

Also, in a supermarket with fluorescent lights...wow that makes me feel so disorientated. I am coming to see it is anxiety even though I do not feel it at the time. It has to be I guess, because like you having too many people around make it so much worse. I no longer go for a cuppa with a frind, dont go to restaurants etc. It ties in with the palps for me, and I do think its another symptom of vagus nerve stimulation.

I wonder if RLR might be able to answer this for us:
