View Full Version : help me im struggling with my breathing so badly

17-03-10, 23:02
hello everyone
so badly need ur help and advice today i went to sainsburys and was great,walked back and noticed my breathing was fast becos i was struggling to take a deep breath so i went upstairs and then i felt dizzy and just didnt feel right of course my breathing got worse and i cudnt take a deep breath at all had pains in the back and i felt sick an my arms were numb ive never felt so bad had health anxiety for over 2yrs an this is worst ive felt !the breathing issues started a few weeks ago and i was prescibed beta blockers only 2.5mg and i was ok for abit fought i was gettin the hang of breathing properly and not struggling but today its just got totally out of hand an im so scared cnt wait to c the doctor in the morning dnt no how im gna get through the night.is this panic or whats wrong with me ? had all the panic symptoms toniht and i hate them just dnt no what to do for the best wen im not panicking im waitng for it to happen never been so scared in all my life.thanks for reading x

17-03-10, 23:50
I have had the exact same thing so it sounds to me like its anxiety.
I can only tell you what helped me in the situation and maybe it will help you too.

What I would do when I got like this was to open the window and let some fresh air in taking some deep breaths then I would sit cross legged on the bed and get a large pillow or a smaller one folded in half and put it in my lap then I would sort of lean over the pillow so it was under my chest and tummy. I know it sounds silly but it seemed to give me some relief. Like I said it might not work for you but experiment a bit with positions until you feel more comfy.

Another thing that helped was to sit and do puzzles or crosswords as it took my mind of it a little.

Please remember that it is not permanent and will go away its just a horrible feeling when you do have it. Have a good cry if you need to and remember that theres always someone here for you to talk to :hugs:

18-03-10, 00:20
thanks bunny that was real nice of you to reply to me means alot im trying everythink i possibly can and plus tell myself that my breathings fine what else cpuld it possibly be?! im 25 dnt smoke,not over weight so otherwise healthy and doc told me 3weeks ago i was hyperventalating frm the panic and anxiety.mqybe just today is a set back i trully hope so ,but thanku iam tryin to cosy with my pillows see if that helps thanks and best wishes c.xxx

18-03-10, 01:25
Hi there
I was just like you last year.Have you had a thyroid function test? Mine was not working properley,got medication and within 6 months..takes a while to get dose right...i was great. woorth a try hun.

18-03-10, 01:53
You're hyperventilating, probably. Very very common for people who suffer from anxiety - I have had it for years and fortunately I now know it for what it is, I can usually talk myself out of it. I agree with the person above who told you to distract yourself if you can. Ten to one if you can get your mind off it your breathing will return to normal.