View Full Version : is this depression

17-03-10, 23:14
Hi, had the worst day. I have not been very well for a few months. My husband is poorly, I have two toddlers and, well, not feeling good. I decided today to try and do something relaxing, so went shopping on my own. It was awful. I felt that I had no energy, people where staring at me, I felt as though I was in another world. The lights where 2 bright, the people moved 2 fast. I had no interest in anything. I want to feel normal. I used to love shopping! My husband has cancer. My GP wants me 2 take something, I tried cit, felt shit, came off it after a week. I think I should try again, cos today felt like crap. Im scared of trying again coz of the side effects. I feel better now cos ive had some wine, I will, feel like hell 2row all day and im crap, cos my husband is really ill and im letting him down X

17-03-10, 23:45
You have a lot on your plate and Im sure you are doing all you can to help your husband. It is important that you have support to get you through this too, such as a close friend.

If you came off the tablets recently it is possible the withdrawal is affecting you too. If you decide to go back on them, the side effects should go in about 3 weeks. One thing though, if you do go back on them please dont stop taking them cold turkey again it will make you feel 10 times worse (I speak from experience).

All the best xx

18-03-10, 19:39
the best way I have to describe depression, although depression is different fr every one.
"you just stop being happy"
you have a lot to deal to with children, ill husband, you cant take time out to relax, but you will have to! in order to be there in order to provide care for your family your going to need to really look after your self too!
definitely go to your doctor to see what your treatment options are :-)