View Full Version : dont know?help

18-03-10, 00:19
My Gp has given advised me to take antidepressents. My problem is this. I have for a long time been an anxity/depressed symtometic. However, I have been able to manage it okish/live with it. But now, I have 2 toddlers and my husband is undergoing cancer treatment. So this is supposed to be a very difficult sutiation anyway. Im scared of taking anything in case I wont be able to handle the future of my husbands illness. I dont want to turn into a 'zombie'. I know that sounds really bad, but what Im saying is, that due to everything thats going on in my life im suposed to feel anxious. Dont know what to do. All I know is that, I cant take feeling lightheaded and sick everyday, or that I dont have any friends, or that im crap, or that the world is cruel. im so lost, im sorry. x

18-03-10, 00:47
I'm so sorry Sharan that you're going through all this - it must be very difficult.

But you must think of yourself too here: if you feel you just can't cope, then try the medication. Yes there probably will be some side effects (I take a similar med) but if it gets too bad you can always stop it. Usually, after a few weeks side effects die down and the drug starts to work, lifting your depression/anxiety.

Only you can decide if it's the right choice, but I would say that if you already suffer with anxiety, it may be advisable that you do start medication to help you cope with this difficult situation you're in - especially since your doctor has also advised you to take them.

I wish you and your family all the very best.

18-03-10, 00:51

I was diagnosed last November with depression/anxiety. I had NO reason at that time to be like that but in the previous two years had been bullied at work, gone through a long investigation in which my boss got sacked because of it, moved house and dealt with family issues aswell. I had gone through all of the REAL problems without any help and could deal with it. I have always been a strong person and dealth with many problems without help, but all of a sudden when those problems were resolved, I developed this depression/anxiety. I started Citalopram 20mg in December 2009 as it got to the point where I couldn't cope with it anymore - and I was terrified. But I can HONESTLY say that it doesn't turn you into a zombie - I feel just the same as I did when I felt 'normal' before my anxiety/depression started. The only thing I get sometimes is a bit of a 'blip' where I start to feel milder feelings of depression for a few days but then lifts. This is normally when I am really tired or had a lot of alcohol the night before. Please don't feel bad about taking the tablets - they are just tablets - no great deal!! You are going through a tough time at the moment and there is no reason why you should feel bad about needing a bit of help.

One thing I will say however is that I have experienced some insomnia - which obviously makes you tired the next day - but not in a 'drugged zombie' way - just in a normal tired way! And that is all starting to subside now after 10 weeks of taking the meds!

Hope this helps


18-03-10, 09:38
Hi yes agree with all the others put.

I didn't want to take it either.
9 weeks in now and glad I did.

Believe me the side effects are nothing compared to the benefits.
You're not lost - we all feel like that sometimes I guess.
BUt it's awful when every day gets like that.
But NOT the end of the world.
You could make some good friends on here.

Watch out though as some on here have a zany sense of humour.


18-03-10, 11:01
Hi Sharan,

Sorry to hear what you are going through.

Anti-depressants dont make you feel zombie like hun, they can cause some side effects but thats not always and not with everyone. The benefits far exceed the side effects and if you do suffer any they only last a short time when you first start taking the meds.

In my oppinion if it is citalopram the GP has suggested then I would take just 10mg to begin with (some GP's prescrible 20mg) this then allows your body to get used to the drug and in my own experience has kept the side effects at bay. I have then gone on to increase to 20mg after a short time and found I have very little in the way of side effects.

If you do decide to go ahead, and I think you should really consider taking it as it will help you going forward with the tricky time ahead of you, you will find lots of support and help on here.

Good luck hun and keep us posted on what you decide to do.

Take care. JO.xx

18-03-10, 13:19
Hi yes agree with all the others put.

I didn't want to take it either.
9 weeks in now and glad I did.

Believe me the side effects are nothing compared to the benefits.
You're not lost - we all feel like that sometimes I guess.
BUt it's awful when every day gets like that.
But NOT the end of the world.
You could make some good friends on here.

Watch out though as some on here have a zany sense of humour.


I wonder who on earth you could be talking about Martin?!:winks:

18-03-10, 13:30
I wonder who on earth you could be talking about Martin?!:winks:

Now that was just below the belt !!!
but true !

18-03-10, 15:40
Stick with it - it is really worth it! Moomin1 - this is vitually a mirror image of my experiences! Went through hell at work for 2 years coped now problem and then a couple of months after everything settled down the depression/anxiety hit out to the blue. I have been on Cit for nearly a year now - 20 mg - and although I still have sleep problems, my quality of life is so much better but it did take 5 months before I really started feeling really well.

Good luck


18-03-10, 18:15
Stick with it - it is really worth it! Moomin1 - this is vitually a mirror image of my experiences! Went through hell at work for 2 years coped now problem and then a couple of months after everything settled down the depression/anxiety hit out to the blue. I have been on Cit for nearly a year now - 20 mg - and although I still have sleep problems, my quality of life is so much better but it did take 5 months before I really started feeling really well.

Good luck


bluejeans that is really good to know!! (I don't mean that you had two years of hell at work and now have depression and anxiety! But that there is someone out there that has had exactly the same experience as me). I keep telling myself that it can't possibly be as a result of all that and that maybe I am just like this. But it sounds like those sort of experiences can cause depression/anxiety after the event even if not during it. Interesting!

Glad to hear you are feeling better too!


18-03-10, 23:25
My Gp has given advised me to take antidepressents. My problem is this. I have for a long time been an anxity/depressed symtometic. However, I have been able to manage it okish/live with it. But now, I have 2 toddlers and my husband is undergoing cancer treatment. So this is supposed to be a very difficult sutiation anyway. Im scared of taking anything in case I wont be able to handle the future of my husbands illness. I dont want to turn into a 'zombie'. I know that sounds really bad, but what Im saying is, that due to everything thats going on in my life im suposed to feel anxious. Dont know what to do. All I know is that, I cant take feeling lightheaded and sick everyday, or that I dont have any friends, or that im crap, or that the world is cruel. im so lost, im sorry. x

Hi Sharanj,

Sorry to hear your not having a good time, I agree with everyone here, you will feel the benefit from taking anti-depressants.

I hope you feel better soon.

sending you lots of hugs...:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
