View Full Version : Papitations daily...etc.. Anxiety or Hyperthyroidism?

18-03-10, 02:58
Hi, i have been getting palpitations (awareness of heart beating) daily but the beats are regular. It makes my anxiety get even worse. I am not anxious before I get those palpitaions, only after. Is that an anxiety symptom?

Anxiety symptoms seem to overlap with hyperthyroidism where I've been getting palpitations, nausea, hair loss, ithcy skin & eyes, irritability, nervousness, muscle weakness & IBS which are both hyperthyroidism & anxiety symptoms.

Has anyone has these symptoms & find that it's only caused by anxiety? My GP did a thyroid TSH test for me but it was normal but apparently there are many forums claiming that the TSH test is not accurate for thyroid problems.

18-03-10, 03:31

I can sympathise with you and get the exact same symptons. I suffer from missed/extra heartbeats also and sometimes they can be every few seconds and are horrid. I do have a swollen thyroid and have to get a blood test every year to check that my thyroid is functioning properly. I have always wondered if some of my symptoms that I put down to anxiety are thyroid related but whenever I have the blood test, I'm told that it is functioning correctly so the symptoms I'm suffering are anxiety related. Doesn't make it any easier to live with though.

Take heart, your not alone and this is a fabulous site where you will get plenty of advice.

Take care

18-03-10, 03:41
Thanks for your reply Tracy.

TSH levels that doctors use to measure hyper or hypo are not very accurate and people still have symptoms and thyroid problems even though their TSH levels are within the doctor's "normal" range. There are heaps of forums out there with people giving their own ranges for TSH & T3/T4(Free unbound T3/T4) test results based on their own experiences. I've not explored that yet cause many docs in Australia don't seem to give the more accurate test of Free T3/T4 tests(they only give T3/T4 without the FREE).

I will see a GP and tell them my symptoms. I also had a baby 4 mths ago and another pain in the you know what is that pregnancy hormones can mimic hyperthyroidism.

I've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder after grandma died in Nov 2008 so I'm getting confused with what is anxiety & what's something more.

18-03-10, 03:55
I know what you mean, I too live in Australia and agree totally. I might try and pursue further with my doctor or something to find out more info.

Take care

18-03-10, 05:16
Hi,mom...I have hyperthroidism,I have had 2 parathyroids remove and feeling a lot better,your palps can be related to this...You do not have to have high calcium levels to have problems with your thyroid or parathyroid.ask your doc for some scans and your Pth,levels.A second opinion is always good.Maybe you should see an endocrinologist.
Hope this helps and good luck.:flowers:
Ronny x

25-04-10, 15:25
Hi mom, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism last summer after suffering with palpitations, dizziness, shakes etc. I have had depression on and off for years now, and also IBS, so believed it was panic attacks.

Since my diagnosis I am taking medications for thyroid and now have much more balance. I feel steadier than I have for years. I am not sure how much was thyroid and how much anxiety, but seeing an endochrinologist (blood doctor for thyroid) has been very helpful.

I agree that a second opinion is no bad thing. Sometimes seeing another doctor is good as different doctors have expertise in different areas. You could ask to be referred to an endochrinologist just to check. Either way its sometimes good just to be able to eliminate things.

Best of luck.