View Full Version : Me and anxiety

Desprate Dan
18-03-10, 07:04
I Really dont think i can take this anymore...:weep: Every day is becoming just like the one before, just constantly restless not knowing were i want to be, feeling i should be doing something but not sure what, paceing around like an expectant father, not being really able to focus on anything other than how i feel and what will happen to me??? I find it hard to sleep, lucky if i get 4hours a night, i wake up early around 4am, i try as best as i can to go back to sleep but as i am trying i will notice my nose is itchy, then my hand will be itchy then my leg, its as if i am getting tortured like its saying you cant go back to sleep because i wont let you, i will just keep tickling you with this feather until you give up trying..:mad:

I will start a job like painting the fence or something, i am already tired and soon become sick, so start another job because i cant seem to just sit still and be doing nothing because thats when anxiety does its most damage, but when i start a job i soon lose all intrest, then comes frustration and anger towards myself.

Its not just in everyday tasks that anxiety hits me its become my life, i am not just restless minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, its seem even when i look to the future i have no idea were i want to be, have no strong feelings towards anything, like marraige haveing a family, career etc......:unsure::unsure: I feel so ashamed i feel like a bad person though i really havent done anything wrong.

I guess i have always suffered with anxiety to a degree but i coped a lot better with it before, when i was growing up i thought dont worrie everything will become come clearer and all the jigsaw pieces will slot together, but here i am still waiting, when everyone around me has moved on and now i feel i am left all alone in this world were i dont really think i fit in or belong, it just constantly wears me down, I fear what will happen to me? will i eventually just give up hope??????

I think a lot of my problems started as a child but i dont know why, as a child i was always shy and reserved never liked being the centre of attention, always felt sensitive towards others feelings, some people would think that was a good qaulity to posses, but not really, i would think long and hard before i spoke incase my words would offend someone, it would hurt me so much to see others upset, in pain or distress. Even at school i made things very difficult for myself, if i didnt understand some work i wouldnt ask for help i would just muddle through as best i could, not wanting to feel i let the teacher down by not understanding, and if i didnt understand i thought maybe the teacher might think bad of themselves because they havent explained it properly, see things that i felt inside myself i believe they would feel the same..

Its only really in the last year that i have actually sort help, but i still find it very difficult to tell things like they really are for fear i might be dissapointing them, i like to impress make others feel happy, so i would often tell them what i thought they would like to hear, rather than how things actually are.. I still do this to a degree.

Its not all bad from time to time i get a good happy feeling and feel possitive, i wish i could feel like that forever or i would like to keep it in a bottle for the times i felt so down...

I am on medication which i really want to stop because i dont think its the answer the changes need to come from inside me, but how do you change when you dont know what you want???


18-03-10, 07:19
hi dan i know exactly how you feel it could of been me who wrote that i too am a very sensitive person over sensitive you could say but im learning that its a positive thing every day i try to accept who i am so dont be so hard on yourself caring about other peoples feelings is not a bad thing in actual fact the majority of people who suffer anx are sensitive caring people maybe speak to doc about changing ur meds i have recently started lexapro and so far ive had no side effets and am feeling a lot better so keep going learn to accept who you are there is light at the end of the tunnel pm me anytime you want to chat x

18-03-10, 11:12
Hi Dan,

i dont want to be the guy that just pushes books all of the time but i really cannot recommend this book enough http://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Acceptance-Workbook-Anxiety-Commitment/dp/1572244992/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1268909962&sr=8-1

i could write pages and pages about how good this book is but think it would be better if you just read the reviews on the site. This book is about changing your life not just "getting rid" of anxiety.

"The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety has one purpose: to help you live better, more fully, more richly. Your life is calling on you to make that choice, and the skills in this workbook can help you make it happen. Find out how your mind can trap you, keeping you stuck and struggling in anxiety and fear. Learn to nurture your capacity for acceptance, mindfulness, kindness, and compassion. Use these qualities to shift your focus away from anxiety and onto what you really want your life to be about. As you do, your life will get bigger as your anxious suffering gets smaller. No matter what kind of anxiety problem you're struggling with, this workbook can guide you toward a more vibrant and purposeful life."

It's not easy dan and will take some time but it WILL change you life if you commit to it.

18-03-10, 13:13
Idstain, what great advice...and the book seems interesting.

Dan, I feel for you and being sensitive is a gift and a curse I know. It makes a person nice and gentle and caring yes, but also TOO tuned in to pain and suffereing.

You can turn this around as Idstain says. Why not give the book a try..I certainly am going to try it.

There is a saying which goes something like this:

At any moment I can change, but which moment shall I choose?

Be as kind to you as you would be to another and find a moment or two, or three for you

Hugs to you

18-03-10, 13:18
PS That link took me to the US Amazon...here is the UK link. Just looking at the reviews...it looks great. Thanks Idstain


Desprate Dan
19-03-10, 05:45
Thanks for your kind words and help, i have just ordered that book from amazon...
