View Full Version : Getting very fearful og pain in neck now

18-03-10, 10:00
HA is up again and rising! I have had a pain in my neck (left side going into shoulder) since christmas. At times it really gets me down and makes me feel fluey. I had a lump feeling in my throat at the same side but had that checked by ENT in Feb and nothing there. Docs say it is trapped nerve, strained muscle and am now seeing Osteopath.
This week pain has got worse though and throat is very sore on left side again. Also feel fluey. Rational hubby says I have a cold as well as bad neck and that they arn't connected. I am fearful now though that I have tumour growing in neck. Arghhh - feel I am going crazy and wish this could be properly checked. It is so painful:weep:

18-03-10, 15:17
hi busymom dont worry you have been correctly checked as you went to ENT. the pain may be caused because of tension in your neck through stress!

18-03-10, 18:28
hi busybeingmum im new to this site i have been suffering with anxiety for the last 6 months and i just thought i would reply after seeing your post ...that is exactly how my anxiety started i kept having a pain in my neck and sore throat and couldnt eat i tried everything had tests done went to chiropractor and once i was diagnosed with anxiety and put on cipralex and started cbt it has all gone on occassions if i get stressed it still comes back i wonder if it could be anxiety i hope you get it sorted

18-03-10, 21:38
Hey hun, thought I would reply to you as I can really sympathise with what you are going through with at the moment.
Like yourself my neck problems were the straw that broke the camels back for me and my anxiety. Although there were underlying issues this is what finally triggered me off.

Long story short, fell over and had neck problems middle of last year, saw physio and within 2 - 3 months of that I was back up and all good.
Then when all this anxiety stuff came about in Nov my neck issues came back.
Like yourself mine is on my left side and also radiates down my shoulder.
I must admit that I am on the mend but it has taken since Nov to be feeling this way.
What you must understand is that the neck is full off various muscles and LOTS of them. With anx a lot of tension and stress is held in our shoulders and neck ... hence you would be feeling like this pain etc is never going to go away.

I don't have any secret to make this better for you but for myself it was just being persistant with my treatment, I was seeing an osteo and physio but am just seeing the physio now as they work more on strengthening you muscels etc. It does take time and when I get stressed out now I find that my left side definately hurts more. and I have just come to accept this rather than worrying about it.

I also just had a remedial massage the other night which at the time was quite relaxing but also a tad painful as they are quite strong in the movements they do but it was a good pain if you know what I mean, was really working the muscels and the knots.

Don't let this get you down as it is 100% treatable it honestly just takes time and patients.

Keep me posted hun and if you need to talk about it let me know!
All the best!

19-03-10, 11:50
Thanks Lauz - that is really great to know. Went to Osteopath this morn and he said was structural and nothing sinister. Just wish my throat would sort itself out. There is always something with my health at the mo but I guess this is the crux of this stupid health anxiety!

19-03-10, 12:25
There is always something with my health at the mo but I guess this is the crux of this stupid health anxiety!
Quite! Doesn't anyone else feel relieved to have found this site and a euphoria at being free?? Or will I become anxious again??:ohmy:

19-03-10, 12:30
hi flumpy i too have just found this site and feel so pleased and calm that other people have the same and its not just me going mad :D

20-03-10, 09:24
brilliant train! i was starting to wonder...! i've had a weight lifted off my shoulders with this site and i am glad you feel the same cos i was starting to feel a bit selfish! good luck and keep looking, this is a wonderful site:yesyes:

20-03-10, 11:25
i can totally relate to the first few post im nov 09 i woke up and could not move the left hand side of my neck aswel<< i wonder y its the left side ?? ans then the day after i felt terribly ill for a good two weeks i still do not feel myself and it is frustrating ..ive had agrophobia for 4 years but have never experienced something so terrifying ..hope everyone feels better soon !!