View Full Version : Panic Attack Responses Analysed.

18-03-10, 10:36
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18-03-10, 12:00
Chris, an absolutely excellent post.

I have the Claire Weekes books and found them helpful up to a point, I just couldn't quite equate myself with the fearful people in her books even though of course, I am like them!

I don't rely on doctors to treat my anxiety and PA's, never have done.
I know the answer comes from within myself so the reliance in Dr Weekes books of the patient on the doctor doesn't quite sit well in my mind..it's probably because the books were written so long ago.

Her writing had had an effect on me in that I i understand how PA's occur and that it's not wise to try and "fight it out" every time it happens.

I am not looking for a "cure" anymore as I don't believe there is one. If you will pardon me saying this, I feel that you have written practically the same things as Dr Weekes but in a more modern way, I love the idea of the PA's just gradually fading until they are of no significance in my life..this is my aim.

I cannot set myself a time frame nor do I want to anymore. Things are getting better so there must be a gentle change in my mindset even though I have not realised it.

Recently I have been through a very difficult bout of depression, suicidally so. In the midst of this, I made the decision to walk to the main road near where I live, along a route that always freaks me out. I did it twice in one week and on one occasion walked back too.

Of course I don't want to "feel the fear" but I may well do..or I might not. It will be interesting finding out but it is comforting knowing that I can function even when I felt so bad..and the fear I felt was minimal.

I have hope and what you have written has made me more hopeful. In my time..on my terms.

Thanks :flowers:

18-03-10, 12:25
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18-03-10, 12:40
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21-03-10, 17:48
Thank you cymraig chris, I always find your posts a great inspiration. I always print them off and keep reading them when I have low pints and they always make me feel like there is hope of recovery.

22-03-10, 11:51
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23-03-10, 13:50
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27-03-10, 20:23
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28-03-10, 15:01
Thank you for doing that, I have saved it in my favourites.