View Full Version : Why oh why?

18-03-10, 11:03
Morning everybody,

Today i will be talking about bums. Nice I know - especially at 11am on a Thursday morning.

My anus has been sore for about 3 weeks ish. Every now and then its hurts to go to the toilet and wipe (sorry!). Was fine beginning of the week and now this morning it stings and slightly itchy. There is no blood on the tissue though.

Obviously dont want the doctor in that region unless i have to - so hoping you guys could tell me what this could be?

Obviously i am thinking anal cancer or something equally as tragic.

Assistance would be greatly appreciated!!! :winks:

18-03-10, 11:18
I've had this soo many times and could never figure out exactly what it is, it just seems to go away by itself. I think it's just irritated. Have you been.. constipated at all lately or have had diarrhea? It seems like that's when it happens to me, when my IBS acts up.
It's normal, promise.
If it wasn't and was something like anal cancer, I'd have it too! enjoy your morning :]

18-03-10, 11:21
Maybe try Germaloids. That helps with the itching and also use some wet wipes after a bowel movement.

18-03-10, 17:30
Have you had children? Could be a small hemmeroid that you don't know about? TMI, but I have a small one that gets irritated at certain times of my cycle. I can't see the dang thing but I know it's there. Courtesy of birthing four children.

18-03-10, 19:58
so i have awkwardly looked at my anus and there seems to be a skin tag right next to the...hole! Its looks the size of a small pea. My partner said it was most likely piles but i am not getting blood or discharge from it.

Without being gross i have tried to push it in but it comes back out agaiin. Checked skin tags on google (i know, i know) and they seems fairly common. But dont know if this is definately the case??

When I felt the thing it did feel like a lump...really scared about it!!

18-03-10, 20:53
It sounds like a small a pile, keep it clean and dry, and maybe try a little haemorrhoid cream. can take a few days to clear up. Most people have them from time to time. Don't panic, nothing dangerous. i.m.o.