View Full Version : periods!!! women please talk to me

18-03-10, 11:04
:hugs::weep:sorry its me again but i just want to know,im 43 and feel so fuzzy headed and on edge during and just after my period just not really there then i panic about not being in control of how i feel does anyone else get these feelings im sure if i know there are others i would feel less anxious im not on meds and the one week in between im good i also feel very off balance at this time please help xx

18-03-10, 11:12
I know exactly how you feel - I get exactly the same. My period has just finished and I still have the fuzzy headed/weepy/twitchiness that you describe. I'm 46 and have had my hormones tested - the doctor tells me that I am probably peri-menopausal and the symptoms are normal, although I have had a problem with anxiety for years and it seems to make this worse. Not sure whether this helps but at least you know you're not alone!

18-03-10, 11:19
thank you yes it does help ,trying to make sense of this my eyes feel like they dont want to wake up,im huffy and puffy ,sighing and my arms ache just hanging out the washing its so awful and after i go on a low for a week and then it clears and im ok until it starts all over again. i dont feel like i can bother the dr even my arthritis is bad at this time aaarrrr:blush:

18-03-10, 11:23
Yes that sounds all so familiar .... I'm not sure whether you work, but if you don't, I sometimes find that having a little nap will help. I normally try and get all my jobs done in the morning then watch bargain hunt and try and relax and hopefully nod off - it seems to help me sometimes.

18-03-10, 19:20
I actually get increased levels of anxiety and panic attack in the week leading up to my period so Im pretty sure hormoes play their part


18-03-10, 23:58
Hormones and periods are the worst!! I get so anxious and depressed when its my time of the month and leading up to it, your not alone hun. Try to do ANYTHING to make yourself feel better. Lay in bed, watch your favorite movie, eat your fav food. And please remember that this will ALL go away very soon once your period is over. Keep telling yourself that. xx