View Full Version : it's been a while

11-01-06, 23:30
since I posted anyway. I thought I'd been doing quite well, I even managed to do two presentations at uni on the same day even though I was really bad before them, I got through them and got 68% for each one. However, I have been having a rough time of it recently as my gran is quite sick with alzheimers it's really emotionally draining and I've got an exam on Friday. I can feel the panic building up within me and don't have any time to do relaxation techniques. I suppose I just need to get it off my chest- the exam only lasts an hour but I tend to suffer from the anticipation rather than being in the exam, it's the journey to it that gets me, it's an afternoon paper so I'll have the whole day to worry about it- it's also friday the 13th! Please help as I'm going into meltdown

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

12-01-06, 01:10

Never mind the date, that's a load of pants!!!!
How abou doing your relaxation techniques on the way to your exam.

And you did brilliantly scoring that high even though you suffer from panic attacks.

i know it's hard with your gran, but try and remember the happier times. Or even, I know it's awful to say as it is such a horrible and upsetting illness, but think of some of the funny things she may say.

My Gran suffered from it before she died, and convinced us all that the home she was living in had her working - doing filing and all knds - of course they didn't, but we used to talk about how much she should be getting paid. And she didn't like work 'cos she was surrounded by old people. My gran was 80 when she died and was in an old people's home!!!!

Seriously though, try and take dep breaths during the exam and I hope it's not tooo awful for you.

So good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

12-01-06, 10:09
Hi Rois,

Nice to see you again.

Like Looby says don't worry about the date it is all a load of pants - she's quite right.

You are doing so well and will be fine.

Lots of water to drink and try and do a few tension release exercises for your neck. Bend your head forwards very slowly/gently towards your chest a few times. Give your your shoulders a few shrugs too.

All the best hun:)


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-01-06, 14:08

*don't have any time to do relaxation techniques*

I suggest you find some -Its false economy not to - just 10 mins before bed or when very stressed will help enormously.

If you've got time to worry, you've got time to help yourself. Get Gran doing some too when you spend time with her- massage her hands, get some aromatherapy hand creams and you'll be doing yourself a favour too.

Good luck with the exam and many congratulations on how well you have been doing.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 13:14
thanx for the advice. I did a bit of relaxation before I went to sleep last night and also when I woke up this morning but I just can't seem to relax. I'm not really superstitious but the thing about the date sticks at the back of my mind, it would be just my luck:D I do laugh at some things my gran says cos if not I'd crack up. I'll let you know how the test goes

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

13-01-06, 18:27

Hope today went well for you?


18-01-06, 18:11
sorry I'm only replying now my computer was down! It actually went quite well, I took some rescue remedy before I went and I was fine. I always feel stupid after I panic and actually do the stuff cos I feel as if I've been exagerrating (I know I haven't but thats how it feels.)

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

18-01-06, 18:47
Glad it went well and you coped. Well done.
