View Full Version : HA/ pelvic pain

18-03-10, 13:56
hi does anyone find that they suffer constant pelvic and lower back pain due to their anxiety does the pain feed your anxiety because you think its could be something serious which makes the pain worse and do you find the only relief you get is when your in bed

18-03-10, 14:43
your no alone always pain somewhere ,thats nature of the beast

Carly Lou
18-03-10, 15:17
Hey bronte, do you suffer from ibs, as i went throught abdominal scans etc as i had bad tummy pain, lower back pain and sharp pelvic pains, anyways i had the scan and some vaginal swabs taken and everything was fine, doc said its ibs... and that your reproductive/intestinal system are very similar and can be affected by ibs, what sort of pain is it you get, as i had the exact same this morning and totally stressed it was ovarian/cervical cancer and id be dead in a few months, BLODDY HA !!! xxxx

18-03-10, 16:03
Hi Bronte, I suffer pelvic pain.lower back pain alot and as it increases so does my HA and vice versa. I too have been told IBS.......HA def fuels it though! I think it's because we tense our muscles etc.

18-03-10, 17:21
i suffer from pelvic groin hip and back pain, i been told its ibs ,but i think its my ha because when go out walking up and down the hills after about 10 mins its gone ,for me to much time to think and to much time on my hands , if i start to get the nerves, the pain comes round from my back into hips and groin etc, ha its a right git, take care steve

18-03-10, 19:07
hi everyone i also get pain in my groin and my pelvic pain can be dull /sharp in fact a variety of different pains and yes i do have ibs which doesnt help but i know i do have alot of tension in my pelvis due to anxiety its crap :mad: it makes me so angry sometimes i want to scream

rachel marie
18-03-10, 19:13
omg i am glad i have read this post lol, the amount of times i have gone to my doctor because of pain in my lower stomach pelvic area, i have had every test goin to find out what it could be and the docs cant find anythink, they more than likely think im making it all up.

18-03-10, 19:48
hi rachel marie ive had loads of test gyno ones ive suffered with pelvic pain for many years it is worse when im on a period ive noticed im always taking pain killers ive had physio and reflexology neither any help .

18-03-10, 20:53
Yes, I find once i am relaxed in bed then the pain isn't half as bad.

Anxiety really can induce pain.