View Full Version : I hate this feeling :(

Lou 1
18-03-10, 17:57
I've been ill for the past few days now - have a chest infection and had a bad cold which has left me with sinus pain.

I've had a few weeks off of uni due to anxiety, but returned today. I was feeling fine and then our tutour suggested taking us to her farm to do some animal handling (im an animal student) i really wanted to go but started to think - what if i feel ill there or what if i think im going to pass out (stupid i know) when i got there i really felt like i couldnt engage in any activity and all i could concentrate on was not falling over .. i felt so detached from everything and felt so dreamy almost like i was drunk! I was thinking i was feeling worse due to my chest infection and the antibiotics im on.
as soon as i got home my symptoms dont feel quite as bad (althought they are stil there i dont think im panicing as much which makes me feel better) but i do have horrible pressure in my head and my face (sinius related perhaps?)

Im happy with myself for going to the farm and staying there but it still wasnt great- i just couldnt wait to leave :/

Thanks for reading.. just felt like i needed a rant and to get this off my chest.

Lou xx