View Full Version : Fogetfulness (womens problem - very embarrsing)

18-03-10, 19:01
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/editor/separator.gifHey there. I can't actually belivie I am writing this but I am so scared.
I was out today and I went to the toilet and I realised that I forgot to put a pad in my underwear today (as I am on my peirod). Obviously I was horrifed and worried, how I could forget to do such an important thing.
Anyway later on, I came home and got some food from the fridge, after I had eaten, I went for a bath. I came downstairs only to find that the fridge door was wide open! It looks like I forgot to close that as well.
I have also noticed that I am having to do things without any change, almost like I don't like change. I get up at the same time every day and I now won't even change my calander over because its different! Im so scared!

I know people won't have the same experiences as me, but I am just looking for some reasurions that its all ok. I am part of this forum and have posted before, but I am worried people will find out who I am.

rachel marie
18-03-10, 19:07
im only 21 and i forget to do stuff all the time lol, i think you forget more when ur woried or have somthink on ur mind all day.

18-03-10, 19:14
If its any comfort, Im always forgetting things. Today I completely forgot I had taken the washing out of the machine, folded it all and packed it away. It was only when I went down stairs again and realised there was no clothes in the machine that I remembered lol.

I guess when our minds are on different things its easy to lose track of what we are doing.

18-03-10, 19:17
Yes, me too - and when is my memory at its worst? At that time of the month, of course. Try not to worry about it :hugs:

18-03-10, 19:21
Hello Mozma,

Firstly I have done that quite a few times going out and forgetting that I was on my period! I know its quite embarrassing and upsetting but its ok, noone can tell or see through you. That what I was scared of at first that people could tell and was laughing at me but after alot of reassurance from my friend and sister I realised they couldn't tell. Now if it happens i just have to laugh at myself.I know thats hard but we all forget things from time to time and you are no different AT ALL!

Plus the other day I was supposed to cook dinner for my mum for when she came home from work, she'd told me instructions the day before but I completely forgot that she'd told me until she came home and said why isn't dinner on! I'd completely fogotten. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, ocd or anything and your mind is constantly busy then you are bound to forget things...Please do not worry too much.

Take care xx

18-03-10, 19:45
but i went out without any "protection" as people call it. I totally forgot this morning I was on. It was horrid, embarssing and now (I know its stupid) I have no trousers for tomorrow. Im so scared that something is wrong!

18-03-10, 19:48
Forgetting to use protection is the same as forgetting anything else.

As for your trousers, is there anything else you can wear? Or do you have time to get them cleaned?

18-03-10, 19:49
They are in the wash as we speak. I know its stupid, but to me its a big thing!

18-03-10, 19:55
Youre not the first person or the last to forget hun. Its just one of those things.

Nobody else would be any the wiser, you really have nothing to be worried about x

18-03-10, 19:55
Oh sorry Mozma I didn't explain properly. I did not have any sanitary pads or anything. I was a complete mess! I was at the ice hockey play-offs also so I was worried. I had to go into the town and go to next to buy new underwear and then to boots for sanitary pads! I was in a right mess but after i'd changed and used "protection" then I was ok. Its not stupid but just remember its ok and any woman has been in similar situations.


18-03-10, 20:14
I forget things too but mostly when Im on my period. I agree with those on here who say we tend to forget more when we are worried and have things on our mind. I recently couldnt find my dish cloth anywhere and found it a few days later in the freezer! Ive put my purse in the oven (luckily it was off) and often put things that well away that I dont remember where. At least Im not as forgetful as my mum's neighbour who took her friends baby to the post office, she was mortified when she realised she had left the poor baby out side the shop...luckily for all the baby was still there when she ran back!!!

andrea thompson
18-03-10, 21:11
hi hon

i really wouldnt worry about it - its just one of those things. i have forgotten to put a pad on before. i was horrified for about two minutes and then forgot about it - like i do everything else. laugh out loud!!!!!

i fed the rabbits the other week and left the hutch door wide open. then someone pointed out there was a black rabbit running about in the snow and i had to catch it !!! what a wally... as if thats not bad enough the other day i went out and i had forgotten to take my citalopram and forgot to feed the dog - two of the most important things i do every morning. a few weeks ago i was driving to work and missed my turn off - i have been driving the same way for two years!!!!

everything is worse when my period is due!!!! i have talked to the girls about these things and honestly everyone is the same. we all forgetful when stressed or periods due. so try not to dwell on this little incident.

take care

andrea x x

19-03-10, 14:04
My memory is awful, Mozma - I forget the most obvious things. Especially around my period (and other stressful times)! I know a lot of forgetful people - it's quite normal. :)

19-03-10, 15:39
I'm so forgetful as well. I forget my cats names, I forgot to close the freezer when cooking tea, I've gone out of the house with my keys or mobile phone etc. I've convinced myself I have b12 defiency and this is the dimentia starting, I know it's not but I do worry at times as my Nan had Alzheimers for six years (I'm only 29 so don't think I have that)

19-03-10, 17:00
Hi there,
Im forgetful too..even to the point i couldnt figure out to scroll down on the phone to find peoples numbers and ive probably done it a million times i was pushing all the wrong buttons and really stressing about it...try not to worry as we all have our forgetful days and more so when we are tired, hormonal and stressed....take care.