View Full Version : Please read my story...

18-03-10, 19:10
Hi. I'm a 19 year old girl, and new to this site. I haven't spoken to anyone about my anxiety before in detail. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some feedback.

It began when I was around 16, and at school. I've always been slightly claustrophobic but it didn't used to affect my life really. Basically it began with feeling panicky in assembly, like I wanted to leave for fear of passing out/ being sick. The thing is, I only used to feel like this when I was sat in the middle of a row, where I couldn't get out easily.

It seems to have been getting worse. I'm at university, and absolutely hate sitting in the middle of a lecture row with people all around me. I just tend to feel sick, panicky etc. I went to the cinema last night and it was packed, we had seats near the wall away from the aisle. For the first hour and a half I couldn't concentrate, I felt ill, lightheaded and my heart was beating so fast. After a while though I think I got distracted by the story and the symptoms began to ease.

I just feel like a complete crackhead. It just seems so irrational. If I'm in a situation where I can't leave, i.e. a dentist's chair, it brings it out. I generally just power through. Sitting in a middle of a row is the worst though, absolutely. I think I know the point where it became serious, I went to the IMAX theater a couple of years ago, sat slap bang in the middle of a packed audience, and absolutely freaked out. I didn't know what was going on I actually started crying. However, I managed to reign it in and was fine eventually but I don't understand why the fears keep plaguing me!!

Also, I have health anxiety. I constantly think I have cancer or something. I get stomach pains ALOT especially when I'm nervous. I'm moving house next week and have got 4 deadlines for uni the week after and the past few days I've been suffering from neck and lower back pain...of course I freak out and assume some serious disease when part of me is just saying it's stress. Then the more I freak out the more unwell I feel...

Appreciate people reading this. Anyone have similar experiences?? I feel like a weirdo. I just want to go to the dr and have a full health check up so I can get over my irrational fears about diseases.

18-03-10, 19:27
hi and welcome, x
well ya not a crack head and not a weirdo,, believe me, what your explaining is total aniexty ,, there such common symptoms. the feeling of being trapped i totally understand, but the amazing thing is you have kept doing it and you should keep putting yourself in the situations and believe that you will be fine.

aniexty is a funny thing, but also normal,, we trigger it off for wrong reasons,, your thoughts create your feelings that create your mood, which create your behaviour and so on. nip in the bud, have you seen a doctor, if not maybe you should they can advise you to talk to someone to help ease the pain of it.

you will find so much info on here, really take the time to go though it all, and your beable to go in chat soon,

my names lucy,, im agroaphobic, panic and anixety and intrusive thoughs,

hope this helps abit,xx

18-03-10, 19:33
Thanks, I've started having a good nose around and read some good stuff. Thing is though, almost everyone in my life doesn't know I have a problem. I hide it but recently I've just felt like I'm drowning, and it's going to swamp me. :unsure: I should see a doctor, I'm just not a fan of my regular one. I want someone I can chat with.

18-03-10, 19:39
i suffer with aniexty to and i am so afraid of it i want it to stop please help i dont like the feelings why do i get them so bad

18-03-10, 19:41
Hi greenpoodles,

I could have written much of that myself. It was only when I researched the symptoms of anxiety, and began to accept them, that I started to get better. The links on the left are good.

As you will see anxiety can also cause the physical symptoms you describe. Its not suprising considering the pressure you are under with uni etc.

I also knew my symptoms were irrational, but it didnt stop my panic.

Believe me, you are not a weirdo.

Take care x

18-03-10, 19:42
well hun you can chat to me,, and your meet loads of people on here, and when you can go into chat , you can have one to one,, or just chat with every one els, you should talk to someone, a friend or family, it will help,, they may find it hard to understand, but you can learn to understand it togeather, get your self some self help books maybe. i think you very brave keeping it all to your self, and you have defo done the wright thing coming on here.

18-03-10, 19:44
You can always ask to see another doctor, and you dont have to give an explanation.

18-03-10, 20:01
Wow, it feels good to know I'm not alone! Well I knew obviously there are people everywhere that suffer, but you still feel alone alot of the time don't you?

Yes I may try a different doctor. I would feel more comfortable with a female doctor I think.

18-03-10, 20:21
Yeah, its one of those subjects that people keep to themselves in general. Rest assured people will understand here as we are all going through it.

I have found in the past for female doctors to be more sympathetic. You could also print out your first post to show your doctor if it would be easier x

18-03-10, 20:50
I'm the same age, have been suffering from anxiety since I was 13 so I know how you feel. I hate the cinema really for the same reason, that closed in feeling and people I don't know sitting next to me, I feel like I can't escape without making myself stand out, looking like a nutter.

Health anxiety is basically when your body is under stress, is not happy and therefore you experience pain and strange things happning. I get stomach cramps, indigestion, sharp back and neck pain, a sore throat, palpitations and out of breathlessness not to mention feeling dizzy and nauseous but I have read about it so many times on the internet that I now know it must be my anxiety. I know what it's like though, the more you worry about, the more you start to experience unwanted pains etc...and it just goes in horrible, vicious circles until you believe you're going to die. I told my doctor last year I thought I was dying and she helped me get to speak to someone. I'm glad I told her my true feelings so I could get the help. There's no point pretending you're ok when you're not.

Goodluck :)


18-03-10, 23:54
Hi Hunny. When I was 18 (20 now) I was having the EXACT same issues as you (exceot the health anx). I would get chlaustrophobic and I couldn't go anywhere without an easy 'escape'. Classrooms, trains, cars, doctors offices, supermarkets etc. I completly understand. Your not alone or crazy.

Are you getting any help for your anxiety? Counselling or medicaton? I think you could really benefit from both. If you havn't gotten any help PLEASE go to your GP and explain every tiny detail to them. It will be a weight off your sholders having told someone everything and knowing that they can really help.

As for uni, it can be very tough studying (I was last year, complete wreck with anxiety too). Things did get better when I told my teachers about my problems. Don't be embarassed, it isn't new to them. Your not the first person with anxiety in their class. They will be happy to accomidate your needs, perhaps explain to them what is going on and if you duck out of the lecture theatre for no reason it is because your feeling anxious and you just wanted to let them know why. This way you will not feel so alone, you will know the door is always open for you to walk through and you will be fine. They can even help with managing your course load, giving you an extension if you need it because your stressed.

I hope things begin to improve for you soon. xx

20-03-10, 14:48
Thanks so much. In December I went to the doctor, sort of regarding my anxiety. I was taking a ten hour flight on my own and had never flown alone before so wanted to see if there was anything I could get to calm me down on the day, because when I get very nervous I also get extremely sick. I told her a few of my problems and got given diazepam for the short term use.

She actually referred me to cognitive therapy and I got a letter through but I was away for a good few weeks and didn't respond to it. I don't know, I also felt quite embarrassed admitting to my parents I needed to go and get treated, I've broached the subject with my mum before and she sort of laughed it off, claiming how on earth can I be stressed??

She's not mean or horrible, I just don't think she understands that its possible to be stressed/anxious when I live a comfortable life with only the demands of uni and my part time job. She's a teacher, and is constantly stressed out, so in her opinion I have nothing to worry about...:shrug:

21-03-10, 02:44
seems sort of similar to me with the claustrophobia and to a less extent the health anx - message me if u need to talk