View Full Version : seeing my gi tommorrow little axiety going on!

12-01-06, 07:57
Well as some of you know been having bowell problems and nausea since may been trying and doing everything all my docs are telling me to do and still no help in with the symtoms going away..Iam a little neverous in going and seeing him tommorrow because i think he will get mad and iam just wasting his time with my problems..But i have read on ibs that you need to rule out other things before you can say its ibs i have read redflags for it not being ibs is weight loss and blood in stool and i have both!!But my weight has stayed the same now going on three months now so iam pushing for a few more tests that have to be done to give a true anser on ibs and the test i want done is blood test for celic dease and gerd and i want a endoscopy done just to make sure everything is fine in my stomach see iam so worried because my white blood cells have been hi for months and that can be a sighn of some type of auto immunne dease i keep asking them why is it hi every time and they just say maby thats just the way you run..Well i think my immune systom is strong because i dont rember last time i had a cold are the flu my girlfriend just got real bad sick with the flu bad cough fever etc and i never got it and she says how come you never get colds are the flu i started to laugh iam not sure but i have really put alot of presure on here since may with my health axiety!!!Always worring about my dang liver etc..So iam just going to have to sit down with my gi and ask him what he is thinking and why iam thinking diffrent and the poss part of all the test i have done and what they mean to a person thats not smart in med field and why he thinks there isnt nothing wrong with my liver and why i keep thinking there is i know the the only true way to find out there isnt sothing wrong with your liver is a biopy but the only do them if there is somthing really going crazy with your liver blood test but i have also read you can still have noraml blood test come back and still have liver problems and that what my dang battle that goes in my head the dang what if thinking and it just bites..

12-01-06, 09:33
Yes you are right about the red flag symptoms. but what that means is your docs need to check things out,it does not mean that there is anything more sinister going on, and unless im mistaken (which is possible) then you have had various tests carried out, like colonoscopy etc which would have shown up anything more going on. As for the liver biopsy, this procedure like others has risks and that is why it is not carried out unless clinically indicated,there are lots of people who have had the bowel troubles that ypu have had and it has all been related to anxiety, if you had some type of autoimmune disease it would have been discovered by now,you are going to have to learn to relax and deal with your anxiety (not easy i know) as im sure the minute you face it is anxiety and start dealing with it your symptoms will ease. Good luck with your gi doc, deep breaths and tell him/her how you are feeling but more importantly LISTEN to what is being said to you
take care

I just want my life back

12-01-06, 14:31
thanks for the info nells your right about the coloscopy i was so work up last night while trying to sleep last night my left leg was twiching last night couldnt even get it to stop...it would move with out me telling it to...

12-01-06, 18:33
You certainly don't want to be going down the liver biopsy route. You cannot have a truly normal LFT profile and have a raging liver problem.

You can do a trial of going gluten free yourself and see if you feel any better .

I think its a good idea to have an open discussion with him about your concerns but you have to listen to his responses and then you have to apply them.

If you trust him enough to consult with him, you need to trust his responses.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-01-06, 23:23
Well things went well with gi today he says i must leave my liver behind me and go on because my liver is not my problem but he does want to work with the nero doc iam going to see on the 26th this month but just for apiece of mind and he really doesnt want to do the tests but it is to prove to me that he is right and my what if thinking is wrong..And to give me a piece of mind so i can go on with my life he is going to do a colonoscopy and a endoscopy the same day along with a 24 hr ph study of my stool samples he said to me how many blood tests and ultrsound of your liver you need we both kinda laughed because i have had five liver blood test and two ultra sounds done and all comes back fine its really tuff he says to make things right with people with health axiety..But he is going to prove its axiety and ibs...Meg you are right about the biopy they will not give one out to anyone with noraml blood test coming back they only give them to people with hep-c and out of normal liver blood teat going on for a year are more...

13-01-06, 00:05

*Meg you are right about the biopy they will not give one out to anyone with noraml blood test coming back they only give them to people with hep-c *

I had to smile at your choice of words. Believe me, they do not give anything out - they ******* hurt and are not a simple procedure. To be avoided unless really necessary.

Also - *but it is to prove to me that he is right and my what if thinking is wrong..And to give me a piece of mind so i can go on with my life he is going to do a colonoscopy and a endoscopy the same day along with a 24 hr ph study of my stool *

I want you to think about promising yourself that if these are all normal that you will Stop symptom surfing and asking for further tests for reassurance and turn your full attention and energy to improving your situation.

In the Uk this sort of Health Anxiety fuelling investigations just wouldn't happen on this scale apart from simple ECGs which are reasonable to do multiples of.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 05:23
very true you sound just like my gi doc after this i need to move on after alll that i am going to have done its pretty crazy how my thinking was back in may at first i thought i had lung cancer thats what made me go into the docs in the first place they did there test and found one little thing wrong in my blood work and it had to do with my liver my alt hi just a little hi and then i new i had hep b-c then tested for that and it was neg then i had hiv it was neg and the list just keeps going on and on from there but i always had this little voive are thinking in my head i know my liver is bad are is going bad from the heavy drinking of beer i did for 7 years and there is the what if again crazy how are mind can just run you over at anytime!!!

13-01-06, 05:37
now even whats funny i have to do all these stool studys and bring them in and now cant even go...lol the big d for days on in right to not able to go!!!Even drank some coffee today to see if it would fire it up and it didnt when i drink coffee my hands and feet start sweating!!!I dont care because i like my coffee but i have cut back to maby one to cups a day stopped sodas drink nothing but water and gatorade and a little green tea sometimes at night and peppermint tea as well for the gas and bloating..quite smoking now for a month because when i did smoke it made my heart race...

13-01-06, 12:36
Glad everything went well with your gi doc, imnot sure i agree with him running test to put your mind at ease, i agree with Meg and think that this just fuels peoples anxiety, docs should only carry out investigations based on clinical exam/findings and that good old "gut instinct". But like i said before as long as you have listened to him, get these tests done then draw a line under it all and move on, im sure you will be fine

I just want my life back