View Full Version : panic attacks controlling my life

18-03-10, 23:57
I have been suffering from panic attacks regularly for a couple of years now and I have gone to the emergency room about 3 or 4 times thinking that I was having a heart attack. The drs. always come back and say that I am fine. I have denied anxiety and panic disorder for so long now but I am finally ready to own up to it and take back control of my life. I want to enjoy my life again without fear.

Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions or tips on how they get through a panic attack without calling 911?

Please Help

Thanks, Carrie

18-03-10, 23:58
Hi and :welcome:

Take some time to read the website pages on the left for loads of advice and tips on how to cope.

Vanilla Sky
19-03-10, 13:43
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

21-03-10, 03:05
Calex, you are not the only one I have suffered the same as you for the last 2 years - every day

21-03-10, 10:03
if you are home, i was told to put some music on LOUD.
it really helps. Turn your stereo up with your favourite music and dance like an idiot in your front room.
Aparantly the noise/distraction keeps you off focusing what is happening to your body. Someone metioned Ipod, try this too.. turn the music up.
I had a panic attack at the airport once, waiting for my sister to arrive at the terminal, i couldnt go anywhere i had to wait for her there. So i tried something I read on the internet. SING A SONG IN YOUR HEAD. pick something you know all the words to, and sing the song from the begining to the end, and carry on until it passes. It really works, again, you are distracting your ming and using your brain to focus on something else.
whatever you do, dont go to the doctors like I did and give in to taking antidepressants. They ruined my life for a whole year and turned me into a zombie, nearly lost my brilliant job. Also venlafaxine turned me into a big fat pig I had to sell all my clothes on ebay - I went from a Uk size 6 to a UK size 12 in twelve months.
i am off the drugs now and if i feel panicky i will talk a walk or dance in my living room in my underpants, if anything you will laugh at yourself, and you'll forget about the rapid heartbeats!!! Good luck, hope ive helped a little bit

21-03-10, 19:33
hi whenever i feel a panic attack coming on, i instantly get up and just do something, anything really rather than sit there and wait for it to happen cos if i do that then it will be a whole lot worse.
Doing this has worked for me alot so far xxxxx