View Full Version : CBT - Has it worked for you?

19-03-10, 01:02
Hi Everyone,

I'm on my second round of CBT and it's going ok so far, a lot better than the first time. Have any of you had CBT for HA? Has it worked for you? Long term or temporary? For some reason I get quite anxious when I go to CBT, i have no idea why, anyone have any ideas?



19-03-10, 10:27
Ive had CBT but after 6 months i had a relapse and that was 5 years ago. Im still an anxiety sufferer now.

I need more CBT but none available in my area :(

19-03-10, 23:14
Thanks for the reply.

Anyone else?

19-03-10, 23:49
I dont suffer from HA but I have has CBT for agoraphobia and panic.

Im not cured but I have learned to deal with situations that would previously terrify me- for example, I can leave the house and go shopping which I couldnt do for months.

I think the thing with CBT is you have to learn to use the techniques every time you feel anxious, and eventually the rationalised conscious thoughts will become automatic unconscious ones.

Im sure most people feel anxious when going for their appointments as there is the element of the unknown I guess.

Good luck xx

20-03-10, 21:33
I am having cbt at the moment - and I also feel more anxious when i go..... I think perhaps it's because it forces me to think about the things I am scared of. I also find that it is only helpful if i remain disaplined and lately i have reverted to my old ways of exessive checking......... Mmmmmmm.