View Full Version : Hugs Desperately needed for this scared ikkle Kez xx

19-03-10, 04:29
Hey all.

It's 4.10am and I haven't slept. I took a zopiclone and felt the sedation but no sleep came. As most of you know I have been really rubbish just lately, and not coping well at all.
Anyway my kids are sorted for my mum and I will be taking myself to the crisis team tomorrow morning when they have gone to school. I have done something very silly again (many of you will know what that is) and I am a very frightened person right now.
I can't cope with this anymore, it's driving me potty. I feel like a failure and I hate myself right now. I love my sons and my mum more than life itself and I can't deal with hurting them anymore.
Anyway I am writing this just in case they keep me in the hospital, so what would be really nice right now is lots of warm huggles from my friends because I am really scared. Plus if I get taken in I may not be around for a while.
I will check in around 8.30am to see who's about.
What I will say is that I would not have got through these last few weeks without you all....Sue, Weebs, Bluesparkle, Tets, Smilie, Moomin, Georga, Tina, Hayley and of course all the others. Thank you so much for giving me time to waffle on and stuff and help me. Hopefully this will be the last time for me, I need to kick this right up the butt before I end up in hospital every week!
Anyway Hopefully chat in the afternoon, if not soon as possible.
Love you all so much :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

Kez xxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:

19-03-10, 07:06
:hugs::hugs::hugs:oh hunny why dont you ring me im always here for you huggel si hope yr ok ill br thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:

19-03-10, 07:18
Kez I'm sorry that it has ended up like this. Gentle ((((huggles))) You are doing the right thing going to the crisis team. If you do go into hospital remember we are all still here for you. EJ.

19-03-10, 07:29
Hi Kez

I am not up to speed but just wanted to say I hope you get well real soon :hugs:

Jaco xxx

19-03-10, 08:03
Sorry you don't feel good kerry, really i am. Don't worry things do have to get better at some point for us. Hope you feel a little better today, really i do.

19-03-10, 08:48
Awww Kez sweetie :hugs:

You will get through this you know hun, just as you have before. You're doing the right thing asking for help and I'm really proud of you :bighug1:

Massive hugs for today :hugs:

Sue xxxxxxxxx

19-03-10, 08:55
hope you get the support you need .to help you get back on track be strong love xx

19-03-10, 11:40
Love and huggles Kez, you will get through this - you are stronger than you realise. We all see how strong you are. You'll see if you hold on.

Take care, you know where I am,

Chrissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-03-10, 12:04
Love and hugs being sent your way. Sorry your not feeling too great now, hope this passes very soon xx

19-03-10, 12:25
awww Kez hun, I do hope your feeling much better soon, you take care ok, always here for you babe

Emms xxxx

19-03-10, 12:55

You are a fantastic mum and a very lovely lady.
I am thinking of you and i hope things improve for you real soon.
Sending huge big huggles.



Vanilla Sky
19-03-10, 13:36
Hope you feel better soon , thinking of you Love Paige :bighug1::bighug1:

19-03-10, 15:13
:hugs:You are in my thoughts Kez, get well soon. :hugs:

19-03-10, 17:49
Sending you love and best wishes, and hope that you get the help & support that you deserve.

19-03-10, 17:52
Hey Kez,

Hang in there mate, we love you and just want you to get better. Sending you big love and hugs across the big pond.

Natalie xxxxxxxxxxxx

19-03-10, 18:09
Awwww everybody is so lovely. Well I didn't get admitted. I was in there a long time while being assesed, but we decided it was best I didn't go in. I was cleaned and patched up...which was agony, but it's feeling a lot better now. Now I am wondering why, As I think about I couldn't even bear the thought of doing that again.
My Ryan was so upset and scared this morning when I told him I was going to the hospital again, he was crying and stuff...It stopped and made me think...This is my boy, he's almost 13 and he aint stupid...and most of all he loves me!
I love my boys more than anything in the world....I'm gonna get through this for them...not just for me.

Thank you so much everyone for all your love and support and especially the great big hugs :hugs::hugs::bighug1:

19-03-10, 19:09

I am so happy to hear you sounding more positive. :hugs:
We will all support you as best we can!
Big hugs huni!

19-03-10, 21:44
:hugs::hugs:hope things get better for you soon:hugs::hugs:

20-03-10, 09:03
Hope you are feeling better today Kerry,
Regards your mate Wayne,

20-03-10, 20:21
:hugs:hun hope u feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxx

20-03-10, 21:24
Hon, I don't know you but would like to add my good wishes to all the others.

Sending big hugs your way!:bighug1: