View Full Version : Bumps on tongue and scratchy throat

19-03-10, 05:11
For the past 2 months now, every so often I have little white bumps (they look a little like cankers) that flare up on the tip of my tongue. They are not painful but just a bit irritating. Sometimes a lot flare up and other times, maybe one or two flare up. Along with the bumps, I will get a bit of a scratchy throat. It does not hurt but like the little bumps, it just feels a bit irritating. These symptoms last anywhere from a few days to over a week. They will calm down and may not reappear for up to 2 weeks or so. I did go see a few doctors at walk in clinics and they all said it's nothing to worry about though I am starting to feel scared about it because it has been 2 months. Yesterday, I went to have a HIV blood test done and I will hopefully hear the results soon. Any ideas what could be wrong?

19-03-10, 17:34
are you maybe biting the tip of your tongue?

No, I am not.

19-03-10, 18:22
since your doctors said that you are fine, maybe they keep reappearing because you are so worried and fixated on them.

Perhaps though I have noticed that a bump or bumps will calm down while I am sleeping but once I am awake, eating, moving around, etc, that the bump or bumps will flare up again.

Could this be allergies?

20-03-10, 03:47
Thanks so much. You rock. I'll let you know once I hear some news.

22-03-10, 21:57
I was gonnae say it might have been a touch of oral thrush?? That can cause scratchy throat etc too and absolutely nothing to worry about xxx

27-03-10, 15:46
Blood work came back. Everything is good! Thank God!

28-03-10, 07:40
No but when I go for my yearly physical at the end of next month I will bring up the problems with my normal doctor and hopefully get some answers.

28-03-10, 10:32
I am happy for you !