View Full Version : Papitations & Irregular Heartbeat

19-03-10, 05:46
I just had an ECG and the results showed an abnormal heart beat. I get palpitations even when I don't feel anxious.

Is this a symptom of anxiety since i am not anx at the time?

19-03-10, 09:42
What did the doc say?

Have u had ur adrenaline levels checked?

How often do u get them also?

I have complete right bundle branch block BUT i reckon i get them more when im anxious.

I notice my adrenaline in my stomach is high and im trying to catch my breath a bit.

if i check my pulse and its say around 80bpm i relax but if its 90 or higher i start to panic.

What is ur heart rate when u have a palp?

19-03-10, 09:59
My resting heartrate is usually 80-95 and recently when i had these palpitations my HR was about 90, when i was still pregnant 4 mths ago, my HR with palps was about 110 on average throughout the pregnancy. 3 ECGS during pregnancy showed no issues, only the one today shows irregular beats.

The doc asked me to do some blood tests(like thyroid, electrolytes) so she can rule out other causes and if it's ruled out, she'll get me on a 24 hour heart monitor.

I'm always trying to catch my breath. I get breathless just walking up a flight of stairs. My weight is ideal for my height but I don't exercise much, I get exercise from looking after 2 babies, errands & chores.

I've never had adrenaline levels checked. What is the test for that & can that cause the palpitations?

19-03-10, 10:24
U need to ask ur docs. I cant remember the name exactly but basically it consists of a urine test over 24hours. U pick the containers up from ur hospital. ive had it done twice. Ill see if i can find the name for u.

I think you should also ask for an echo. It tests the strucutre of ur heart and checks for any leaks in valves etc...

What was abnormal about the ecg?

19-03-10, 10:43
the heart beat was at irregular intervals. i've been having palpitations & a high resting heart rate ever since i was first pregnant end of 2007.

19-03-10, 21:06
My resting heartrate is usually 80-95 and recently when i had these palpitations my HR was about 90, when i was still pregnant 4 mths ago, my HR with palps was about 110 on average throughout the pregnancy. 3 ECGS during pregnancy showed no issues, only the one today shows irregular beats.

The doc asked me to do some blood tests(like thyroid, electrolytes) so she can rule out other causes and if it's ruled out, she'll get me on a 24 hour heart monitor.

I'm always trying to catch my breath. I get breathless just walking up a flight of stairs. My weight is ideal for my height but I don't exercise much, I get exercise from looking after 2 babies, errands & chores.

I've never had adrenaline levels checked. What is the test for that & can that cause the palpitations?

Sounds like you're breathless because you're out of shape. Start exercising again but take it easy at first.