View Full Version : Need a little help

Bear In Mind
19-03-10, 06:39
Hi there

Just registered, not really sure where I should be posting but I'll try here.
I have suffered what I would describe as managable anxiety for years until recently, I seem to have had some sort of break down. I had been on 20mg of citalopram for a few years with little side effects (nausea, sweating) and a positive response to them. Stopped taking them for about six weeks and I feel like my world has crashed. Initially felt wonderful but after a few health scares (all imagined) and my Dad going through a major cancer operation I hit rock bottom, so I decided to turn to Citalopram again and the side effects are awful, strange feelings in my head, brain zaps, panic attacks, can't sleep, loss of appetite, pins and needles etc I am just trying to understand why I am experiencing them now when I had no sign of them before. Went to A&E because I was convinced something awful was going on in my head and they suggested it may be the fact that I was extremely anxious to begin with and the citalopram would increase any feeling ten fold. I am just so exhausted with it all, approaching week three at a 10mg dose, did feel better for about three days at the end of week two but now I feel worse. I don't know what is anxiety related, side effects and of course I am convincing myself there is something awful wrong with me. Can anyone relate to any of this, I am desperate for help.

Love and Hugs

19-03-10, 06:40
Hi Bear In Mind

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes