View Full Version : Embarressing Loo Problems.

19-03-10, 09:54
Hello, i dont use this as much as my sister but she has prooved it has been very helpful.

Ive been experiencing alot of discomfort when ive been visiting the toilet, when i go to urine the places where imagine my kidneys would be start to ache and hurt. And all over my lower stomache. Secondly when i pass bowels it just (sorry for the detail) but it just shoots out, its not runny or anything but when it comes out i dont need to push or anything, but i can feel it rip through me internaly and it hurts my stomache. Im worried about this and im embarressed to see my GP about this is it really serious that i go?

Tia Shore.

19-03-10, 12:10
You should see your gp, they see all manner of things we think are embarrassing but they most certainly wont. Its probably just a simple water infection that can be cleared up very quickly. Your symptoms are very similar to my mother in laws last Christmas, she left it and left it and in the end needed antibiotics. She could have gone without all the pain if she'd have only seen her gp much sooner, but she didnt want to bother him, bless her. Im not an expert but think you should pop along to the surgery and perhaps take a sample of your wee.
Take care,

19-03-10, 12:30
Just remember to leave your embarrassment at home when you go to the doctors. They really have seen it all before and that's why they're sometimes a bit dismissive when clearly nothing is wrong. Be brave!:)