View Full Version : Shockingly bad day.

12-01-06, 12:24
Today has been awful for me. Last night I went to bed feeling not too bad after playing Poker for pennies with my housemates. Until this morning, I just had no will to get out of bed at all. I ached all over with tension and just wanted to pull the covers back over my head.

I texted my boss to say I wasnt coming in and then switched my phone off as I knew Id get some sarcastic reply. I just feel like moping about, feeling sorry for myself.

On the plus side I did book a 'taster' driving lesson for next Monday night, it was only a tenner, so not much pressure on me.

But I feel god damn awful, and recovery seems so far away.


12-01-06, 14:04
Flu is going around like crazy! maybeyou have caught it?! I kow i ached like this when i caught it. if not sounds like you been sat round a table too long that your all tensed up! Hope you won lotsa pennies though!

12-01-06, 15:57
Hi mate,

Ok is it kick up the arse time now????

It is really hard some days to find the motivation to keep on going, but you do have to just do it.

Don't let it get to you, just keep on fighting and it will begin to get easier.

Anytime you need a kick drop me a PM im only to willing to help LOL [}:)]

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-01-06, 16:43
Hmmm Ive let myself down a bit today, so it is arse kicking time.

I did manage to book a massage, felt some relief for a bit. I felt like id been ironed out. :D

12-01-06, 17:09
Ok doc martins now at the ready [}:)]

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'