View Full Version : Eye Floaters Help

19-03-10, 10:08
Hello im a 37 year old man .I have sufferd with Eye Floaters for years .They never really bothered me untill now .I have noticed them in both eyes now and there seems to be more .People say to me try and forget they are there and your mind will get used to it .And you will not see them .But it does not help me i am starting to panic now cant sleep
worry every day no matter where i look light background or dark they are there when im on PC watching TV reading .It is really starting to make me ill .I Have been told eat more veg and drink more water. But i dont like Veg Is there any thing else people do to get rid of eye floaters .At the moment i dont want to go out they bug me that much .

19-03-10, 11:07
what are eye floaters?

19-03-10, 11:51
Hi There,
My eyes are always a great worry to me and can make my anxiety really bad some days especially the eye floaters. Ive had them for years too Ive had eye tests and they are always normal its just something people get and you have to get used to living with them. I know what you mean though about making you panic, sometimes im ok with them and sometimes they really start to panick me ive got them quite bad at the moment they are there all the time i know but because my anxiety is bad at this present time, im noticing them more. All i can say to you is they are harmless maybe you should go and have an eye test like i do, it puts your mind at rest that everything is ok with your eyes. They are really annoying especially in light rooms and when you are outside they drive me mad I totally understand where you are coming from...take care and hope this helps a bit.

19-03-10, 12:00
Hi Tasia
Thank you that does help .I will get my eyes checked awell .

19-03-10, 12:42
Yes I have got these too in both eyes, I first became conscious of them in my teens & am now in my forties. I find that you are always much more aware of them when run down and anxious. Medically they are of little consequence and I think you are worrying unnecesssarily. Take care.

19-03-10, 12:51
I have stacks of these little floaters, like a previous poster I became really aware of them when I was about 17 years old. They were checked out thoroughly then, and I am also now in my 40s and they are still there but I now only notice then when I notice them - if that makes sense. Most of the time my brain does not pick up on them, and you kind of look through them without seeing them, but when the light changes or the background is white you can become really aware of them. The more aware you become the more you see them.

20-03-10, 11:54
Okay, eye floaters are the consequence of small separations between the vitreous humor or gel-like fluid and the retina. It is extremely common and in most instances, considered to be an incidental finding.

This does not represent the onset of some type of pathology and you've simply become vigilent to their presence. The increase with age is normal. The only time we're concerned is typically in cases where a person describes large floaters in one eye that appeared suddenly without a history of floaters and, just so you're aware, your description is not like the circumstances I've just mentioned.

Incidentally, eating more vegetables or drinking more water will do absolutely nothing to alter the course.

You need to relax and direct your attention to other matters. The condition is nothing to worry about at all and I see nothing of your description that suggests a problem. I'll close here by telling you that it's always important to have an annual physical, part of which is an indirect examination of the eyes, which will help provide some reassurance.

You'll be fine.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

20-03-10, 15:01
Just wanted to say I first noticed floaters in my eyes about 9 years ago. Back then I found them really frustrating and got quite distressed. I seemed to notice them all the time and got quite fed up. Then I got a virus which distracted me and then one day I realised I hadn't noticed the floaters for a while. As soon as I thought about them, I could see them again! However, knowing that I could effectively ignore them was encouraging enough and was a turning point for me. 9 years later, they are still there but I rarely notice them. (I don't recommend magnolia paint though!!!) Good luck with yours.

20-03-10, 15:38
I have them and noticed they were more obvious this morning. Coincidentally I have had a very tiring couple of days and feel weary. Therefore I think they are more noticeable when tired or stressed, but absolutely nothing to worry about if your optician has checked them out.
Myra x

20-03-10, 21:09
hello folks,

i too have had eye floaters for as long as i can remember, honestly absolutely nothing to worry about,

maybe we're the chosen ones hahahah

hope your not too worried.

hugs Ali xx

13-05-10, 17:09
i get them all time more so when iam stressed and tired. xxx

13-05-10, 18:27
Very common. I have them constantly if I look for them, but if I'm honest I've always had them. I don't think sitting on a PC all day helps lol. :) xx