View Full Version : How do you feel on Citalopram after a few months?

19-03-10, 11:11
Hi all,

I've been on Citalopram 20mg for about 4 months for depression and anxiety. I was in a really bad way when I first started taking them, dizziness, shaking, double vision, suicidal... awful. I'd been like that for 3 months prior to starting.

Now after 4 months I feel a lot better, still feel a little anxious and when I'm under stress at work I can feel the start of a panic attack and intrusive thoughts, which I ignore and concentrate on work until they disappear.

What I'd like to know from other people taking Citalopram is how do you know at this stage, after a few months, if it's still the anxiety causing the slight unbalance sometimes, the feeling a bit crap mornings, and the slight spacy, not yourself detachment...... or is it the Citalopram?

I'm at a stage now where I don't really care how I feel, perhaps it's the medication. I can feel dizzy, or a bit strange and it doesn't really concern me. So I'm thinking that may be the medication, rather than the anxiety which used to make every symptom feel like a death sentence.

I'd love to hear how long term Citalopram users feel day to day, do you feel normal like your old self? I don't, I feel strange, but I'm back at work and living life.

Do I need to give them longer, will I eventually feel normal again, or does that happen once I stop taking them?

Oh I'm 48 have a family, kids, have gone back to work after a few months off.

Thanks for listening.

I've sent a link to this site to my doctor, because the description of anxiety symptoms are so excellent. I told doctor about the description and they wanted to let the other anxiety patients know about the site. It's so reassuring seeing a proper description of what people are going through and knowing it's not going to harm you physically.

19-03-10, 11:23
Hi Miles,

I am actually on a different medication at the present time (mirtazipine) but I did take citalopram for a number of years and found in the past it had been very effective for me. It is very interesting when you say the feeling a bit crap mornings as I seem to always feel like this, its very rare I wake up and feel "normal" even if the feeling only last until I have got up showered etc. I felt like that when on citalopram and still feel like that on mirtazipine except at the moment it is lingering until often mid morning and sometimes mid afternoon. I would say it must be symptoms of depression/anxiety which somehow surface when we go to sleep, even though we go off to bed in a perfect state of mind and feel happy and normal.

I think the meds even after taking them for 4 months can still cause slight side effects now and then.

For me I have been taking mirtazipine for 6 weeks now 4 on 15mg and the last 2 on 30mg so the jury is still out really. Plus I dont go back to work until Monday having been off for alsmost 5 months. So I think that will be the real test for me going forward....as in the past the work has distracted me and taken away those feelings.

There are alot of people taking citalopram on here so i am sure you will find some answers from the current users, but just wanted to comment on my experiences and hope it has helped.

It is good that you are living a "normal" life and that the feelings you have dont concern you. That has got to be half the battle.

I wish you well.


19-03-10, 11:34
Dear Miles

What you are experiencing is all perfectly normal. I am a similar age to you and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I have been on 20 mgs for 11 months now and feel fab. It took me 5 months before I really started to feel my old self. I had loads of horrible side effects - tingling, headaches, numbness and health anxiety. Like you the mornings were horrible, waking up feeling panicky but once I was up and about the feelings subsided. I still think that Cit does gives you a sensation similar to a hangover in the mornings - I still have that and my sleep pattern hasn't really settled down. I still wake early. I find that if I drink a little to much or I am tired I do get anxty. The anxious thoughts will diminish. You will find that they become insignificant and you won't dwell on stuff as much. Thoughts will float into your head but will go again. I know it is said that they take a few weeks to work but in my experience it took a few months. I feel really happy now and at peace with myself.

Keep going - I promise it will be worth it and if you need any advice you can always pm me.

Hope this helps - all the best


21-03-10, 00:16
Thanks for the replies BJ and Jo.

Very interesting.
I'd never thought of the morning feeling as a hangover before, but you're right, it does feel like a slight hangover.

I can't quite remember how I used to feel when I was 'normal' before the anxiety and depression (triggered by vestibular neuritis).
I used to worry because I could remember what normal felt like and knew that how I felt wasn't normal.

Now I can't remember how normal feels.

It's reassuring hearing how it takes a bit longer to feel better, that gives me something to aim for. I thought how I felt now might be as good as it gets. I don't feel great, but at least I can function.

thanks again