View Full Version : Trazodone vs citalopram

19-03-10, 13:58
Hi Folks

I've been prescribed Trazodone for anxiety(probably GAD) and depression. I've twice been on Citalopram in the past and it worked wonders for me although 2 years on from weaning myself off it I have relapsed and gone back to see the doctor. I happened to mention to my doctor this time around that Citalopram was great but it took too long to work (around 5 weeks for me with horrible side effects) and this was a problem with having to look after my baby therefore she gave me Trazodone instead as she said it would act more quickly in relieving my anxiety, probably 2 weeks.

Anyway, 2 weeks in on 50mg Trazodone daily, my anxiety is worse than ever, I am shattered and my head is so foggy and confused. I don't even want to leave the house at the moment.

What Citalopram did for me in the past was bring me back to my old self before anxiety/depression ever happened and I didn't even think about anxiety. Does anyone know if Trazodone has the capability of doing this for me as I think I have probably been given the wrong med and now instead of going straight onto my old friend Citalopram, I've wasted two weeks of my life being on this Trazodone which so far is making me feel crap.

Would love to hear any words of wisdom on Trazodone and it's capabilities. Has it helped anyone who has social anxiety?...this is something I suffer from which Citalopram eliminated. I don't know if I get social anxiety as a result of the generalized anxiety.


Jools x