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19-03-10, 16:01
Can anyone tell me if they get this pain, ive got a sore spot/ache pain just below the breast area where the ribs flaire in the centre if that makes sense

19-03-10, 16:22
Yep, me! My whole left side of my ribcage hurts at some point or another. Sometimes it's the side, sometimes it the bottom ribs (or between the ribs actually), sometimes around my back, and I also have a constant pressure under the last rib too that I've learned to deal with. It's a different spot here and there. I find it and press on it hard and find that loosens up the tense muscle in there. Went to the docs to check it out (as I did with every little ache) and they gave me "chostochondriasis" which in English basically means inflammation but it's mostly tense muscle. I hunch my shoulders practically all day, more so on the left than the right, so it makes sense as to why my ribs are a mess.. everything is connected - neck, shoulder, back, ribs, etc.