View Full Version : can sitting a computer make you dizzy?

19-03-10, 16:37
just wondering. i work for 7 hours a day 5 days a week at a computer.

quite often i feel ever so slightly dizzy. is that due to looking at a computer or is that do to with my migraines?


19-03-10, 16:45
When i've spent alot of time at the computer i get headaches, dizzy and lightheaded too. I think they are related x

19-03-10, 17:05
Yes it is possible. I get queasy, dizzy and tired if I'm at the computer too long. You are supposed to take a 5 min break every hour from the computer

19-03-10, 19:52

I used to think it was sitting down but then I realised when I sat down it was at the computer. I had my eyes tested and got some glasses and now it has gone away.

Get checked out.


19-03-10, 20:13
I just asked this question on RLR's site and am waiting for an answer. I am sure also sitting too long must be not good.

19-03-10, 20:16
thanks for your replies.

i had my eyes tested a year ago and got new glasses. i think it is because i don't take many breaks and am just sat at a computer screen all day. bright lights in office too.

migraines and anxiety probably don't help either.

19-03-10, 20:49
Yes, i find that too long concentrating on the screen makes me nauseous and kind of motion sickness feeling.

19-03-10, 21:49
Working at a computer can make me definitely dizzy, but I'm a computer scientist so I can't expect much more :-)

But seriously make sure your workstation is set up properly and that you have a good chair to sit on. You should be looking straight at the screen without needing to bend your back and twist it either. Do get your eyes checked as well, if you use a computer for more than a set time per day then your employer is required under law to pay for certain things see http://www.workingrights.co.uk/should-company-pay-eye-sight-tests.html

Hope this helps


19-03-10, 22:23
thanks Nick.

my computer is right next to a window - so all the light reflects off of that too. so that gives me problems.

i def. need to tidy up my desk and position the screen so i am not bending towards it.

thanks again.

20-03-10, 11:16
Ahhhh! I see you're problem. You're using Windows! Get the boss to get you a nice large screen iMac, a nice comfortable leather executive chair and a pillow.

For a computer scientist windows and pillows are essential. You need something to look out of in the morning and a rest in the afternoon from the exertion.:yesyes:
