View Full Version : hysteroscopy ????? Advice needed please.

19-03-10, 17:40
Hi dr has said i need a hysteroscopy? Does anyone know what this is and what it involves? They said i will need to be put asleep :( and now im really worried :weep: Any advice would be great. xx

19-03-10, 18:39
hi i had 1 last summer i was awake when they did mine and they took a biopsy it wasnt bad and afterwards you just have a little bleeding well i did cos they did mine to remove a tiny polyp as well and you will have period like pains after dont worry its not that bad

19-03-10, 19:41
I too had one last summer with a biopsy of the womb lining taken at he same time, and i was awake for the procedure, the worst thing about it was the biopsy which was a bit painful, but was over very quickly. if you are going to be asleep you wont feel any pain at all. perhaps some cramping when you wake up but some painkillers should sort that out.

Do you know why they want to give you a hysteroscopy? i had mine for heavy and prolonged periods, turned out everything was ok, apart from hormone imbalnce which was causing the womb lining to grow too much.
You asked what they actually do, they put a very thin scope through your cervix and into your womb, there is an tiny camera on the end of it, and they also put in some water to let them see the insides more clearly, and the picture are transmitted onto a screen, which i also had a look at.
I was a wreck going for this procedure, and although it is a unpleasant, and not terribly dignified, i think i would be ok about it if i had to have it done again.

I hope this answers your question


P x

20-03-10, 16:01
Thanks guys, pollyanna they want to do it because i bled a little after sex (sorry) and she says she wants to investigate further? I dont thinks its nessersary but im not sure. what do u think? xxx

20-03-10, 16:22
well it will certainly let them have a good look around, and then decide whats next if anything, and its not too an invasive procedure, i suppose the final decsion is down to you, with guidance from your doctor.
let us know how it goes, if you want to ask anything else, please feel free to pm me.

P x

20-03-10, 17:58
I had a complete hyterectomy in 1991.....they took , womb, fallopian tubes , one ovary and cervix..........i was in hospital for about 10 days. you will be fast asleep when they do it and you will know nothing. of course you will have discomfort after the op but all that is taken care of. you will need to take care when you get home with things such as lifting, vaccuming etc. good luck with the op and i'm sure you will feel much better once its done

24-03-10, 14:07
Thanks guys. xx