View Full Version : New Member suffering with anxiety

19-03-10, 17:43
Hi, I am new to this website. Been to the docs today as i think i am suffering with anxiety/panic attacks. I went out for a meal a few weeks back and i felt really uncomfortable my heart starting beating fast and I got red blotches all on my neck and my face starting burning up and i just wanted to run out, it has bothered me that much that i get scared to go out. I got invitited to the cinema this week but didnt go cus i thought it'd happen again.
has anyone else felt like this - please help!!!!!!!!

19-03-10, 17:46
Hi janey72

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-03-10, 17:52
Hi there Janey.

You will find a lot of people feel like that, pretty much everyone here. So we will all understand and hopefully offer some advice and support.

19-03-10, 20:08
yeah it's very scary at the time u just want to escape it and go home where u knw where it's safe i was lyk that for a while but it does pass breathing is the key and drink some water i went weeks without leaving house but in time i gradually thought to myself i got to beat this im still anxious but i knw how to deal with it now go for a walk some where quiet where nobody around and take it from there and relax take care x

Vanilla Sky
19-03-10, 20:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

19-03-10, 21:25
Hello I'm new too
Your symptoms sound similair to mine when I have an attack, it's sounds weird but it's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. I totally understand you feeling like you don't want to go out anywhere public. I try to make sure that I go out (even if its just close to my house) everyday though, if I don't I get weird and panicky as well-can't seem to win!
Ariadne x