View Full Version : anxiety

19-03-10, 19:46
hi all, im just wondering if anybody knws if your balance improves or wobbly dizzy feelings pass if u get regular exercise, cos ive tried relaxing n breathing nothing seems to work can anybody suggest anythink please ive been lyk this for 4 years and im sick of it now doctor just says it's anxiety u will get past it.

19-03-10, 19:48
Hi frank29

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-03-10, 23:35
Hi Frank :welcome:to NMP ....Your Dr needs to offer you some form of councelling and Therapy ..eg;CBT ..In the meantime DRClaire Weekes books explain everything you need to understand about Anxiety and how to overcome it .They are available on special offer from the NMP SHOP .. All the best and good luck with overcoming your Anxiety ...Sue x

20-03-10, 11:02
Thanks ive tried that it hasn't made much difference, i think iv'e just got to keep pushing myself i just think positive and not let it bother me i hate when i'm walking down the street and the ground just seem's to move or im in shop's and my balance just pulls to oneside it does my head in then i feel tense and hot me legs go stiff lyk i carn't move it weird feeling

20-03-10, 16:37
Hi Frank,

Not nice what you are going through, especially as your GP seems to be unhelpful too. I cannot believe a GP would let you feel like this for 4 years without doing something about it. Does he know how you really feel? Anxiety can cause some dreadful effects and it is good that you are remaining positive and trying to push on with things as we do need an element of push where anxiety is concerned.

I would go back to your GP and ask about some therapy and as Sue says the Claire Weekes books are excellent at giving you an understanding etc and may help whilst you wait to see somebody.

I do hope you feel easier soon, but you can keep posting on here as there is alot of help and advice available to you.

Take care. Let us know how you get on.


20-03-10, 21:23
Has your doctor thoroughly checked you over? Your balance problem may not be anxiety at all but an inner ear virus called Labrynthitus which my mother in law had. It caused her to suffer dizzy spells which really frightened her

24-03-10, 13:07
thanks for your support i think im going to , he give me some tablets carn't rember what they called now they were to treat depression, anxiety and virtigo they were 5mg i took 3 times daily for 10 days he said it would come back over and over again anyway espcially if i had cold and flu ive been for all the tests never had inside me ears checked maybe i need to get them looked at but everythink is working fine and it makes me feel tired alot.

Straw Jacket
24-03-10, 17:11
heya Frank, I find excercise does help..basically it raises your endorphines and makes you feel better. Start off slow though it will take about 2 weeks before you notice a significant difference.

lindor is right though first of all go and get your ears checked as they can cause balance/dizziness issues.

Good luck!

25-03-10, 17:50
I Been back to doc's today explained everythink how ive been the usual stuff he's give me betahistine for two weeks 8mg tablets lets see if these work im going jogging nw feeling a bit better for it, tiredness a bit of an issue but i will keep it going i will conquer this and prove to meself there is a way forward try positive thinking and keep fit n eat drink right a hopefully with these drugs will work ,thanks again for your support people i think it gives me more of morale boost when you got people willing to listen to you ive took everythink on board.