View Full Version : when did you realise that you have health anxiety

19-03-10, 20:30
it dawned on me about two weeks ago that i have health anixety. since last summer i have thought that i had every nasty disease/condition going after about of viral infections and migraines.

now i have come to realise what it is i can try and work at it getting it under control.

19-03-10, 20:51
Ha when i found this site searching for a reason my skin feels sunburn. I have had ANXIETY and it has been getting treated for the past yr. Buit then these skin/feet sensations began and off the deep end i went. Now i am learning about HA and I for sure have it.

20-03-10, 00:29
Same here.....when I was 16 and was having breathing problems I thought I was having heart issues....At 30 had major dizziness that the doctor attributed to stress and anxiety.....Now a couple of years later other weird symptoms (heat sensations on the skin leading to think I had MS....Yup, thanks to Dr. Google!!) and so forth.....This website has definitely helped, at least I know I am not the only one.......

20-03-10, 15:06
I guess I will never properly accept I have it.

My problem is I lurch from one health problem to the next, eg

I have sharp lower chest pains for a week. They go away, but are replaced by feeling short of breath for a couple weeks. Then I stop noticing the SOB because I'm getting shooting head pains, nosebleeds, tightness in the chest - you get the picture.

I suffer from palpitations every day which is like a constant background noise fuelling my health anxiety.

Until I fully accept that palpitations are harmless I think I'll always have the HA.

20-03-10, 15:07
I wanted to add that there's always 'something' wrong with
me. I never feel 'healthy' - is anyone else like this?

20-03-10, 16:09
Hi Skippy.

I expericence much the same symptoms as you have metioned, I agree with what you said, Untill I accept my palps wont do me any harm I will constantly worry that it is something wrong with my heart! I havent exercised in about 3 months and today I decided to try doing some exercise, after a minute of strenous effort my heart was going mad, SOB, face became red and sooo hot I literally thought I was going to collapse! I should mention that I used to love going to the gym and walking everywhere at any excuse but since a really bad panic attack in december I haven't really been in the mood, add to that I have had bad reflux that has prevented me doing so anyway. Now Im in the situation where I am so worried that my bad diet and lack of exercise for 3 months or so has caused some damage to my heart, yet whats ironic is that if I dont exercise I really will damage my heart. Its like a vicious circle!