View Full Version : disheartened

12-01-06, 18:07
hi everyone i havent been on for a few days trying just cope with it all.anyway i had been waiting months for my appointment with a therapist for cbt.so i went on tuesday and he was a phsycoligist so i thought good he will no his stuff.after telling him my problems and explaining about how severe my anxiety has become he looked at his watch and said thats the half hour up ill need to come back in an other 3 or 4 weeks and explain more .he said all he can offer is 6 sessions .i asked him so what do i do for these few weeks and he said read some leaflets.i felt really annoyed i told him i havent ate or slept for 4 months now due to my anxiety becoming so bad.he said eat small amounts.i feel that some times these people dont care its just a job at the end of the day.i feel ive had more help from people who dont get paid for there services ie this site and helplines.i went home and just cried for hours because the thought of another 4 weeks like this is to much.i dont feel i have the strenghth anymore.i just wanted some good advice somewhere to start.something he could give me to try.anything. i wasnt expecting miracles just a glimour of hope.sorry for sounding so negative .im just really p**d off.love marcia

marcia lowe

12-01-06, 18:25
Hi Marcia

I can quite understand you being upset.

1/2 hour is nothing in real terms. Did he not set out how the sessions will work. I can understand the first one being an introductory/ fact finding one but it would have been nice to know that ahead of time .

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-01-06, 18:33
hi meg no he did not say anthing about what i could expect from these sessions.i think he was in a hurry to get home.lol take care marcia p.s can i ask i was looking at 1 of the links you posted for me to look at panic attacks and 1 of the symptoms said actual heart pain what does this mean.as you have read before im always worried about my chest symptoms.just got me a bit worried that s all. love marcia

marcia lowe

12-01-06, 20:40
Hi molly and sorry to hear that but I am not at all surprised, I waited two years for my first appointment for CBT and in this time filled in loads of forms etc., On my first appointment (assessment) Was just asked lots of questions, then she said you should hear from us in about 6 to 8 months. After about 6 months I got an appointment for what they called phase two of my treatment, three weeks at an hour per week in a group for psycho education. A week before the date this too was postponed for 6 weeks as someone was off sick, Anyway eventually I done the 3 weeks psycho education and we where told we would get a letter to start phase 3 being the main part for about 14 weeks. In the mean time I got an appointment for my eye surgery (I think you know I was registered blind) So I cancelled the eye surgery to go start my cbt course as I was so fed up with the waiting. Two days before the CBT was to start I got a letter saying it had been cancelled for another few weeks to a month for unforeseen circumstances, so I lost my CBT and my eye surgery. All this was just making my anxiety worst. Anyway about 6 weeks after I got a date to start my CBT yet again and would you believe I got another eye surgery appointment for the same week. Well as you know I had no sight in the eye they where going to do surgery on so I phoned the CBT people and explained that I really need to get my eyes sorted and they said no problem I wouldn’t need to wait to much longer. This was early last June, so Molly I really am not surprised what these people do. I haven’t heard nothing ells from them and not even sure I want to do it even now, The people seemed young there to and didn’t seem to understand much about anxiety and phobias, Most of there work is just done from books, just like these so called social workers who tell women how to look after there children and never had kids themselves lol. Hope you feel better soon molly Vernon

12-01-06, 22:01
thanks vernon for replying that is awfull. it really puts you off asking for help.i hope you find the help you need soon.love marcia

marcia lowe

13-01-06, 10:51
Hi Molly no problem. I have found now after all the different types of things I have tried over the years, CVT, Counselling, Reiki, Self help Books, Hypnosis and relaxation and Occupational therapy. And none has really helped me. But now I think I am much better for stopping alcohol and when I do get anxious, even though its very hard I do something to keep busy and from doing this over and over again I find I am starting to enjoy doing things, but as I say it takes time and at first you don’t like doing anything at all. Pushing to keep busy has really helped me but there again everyone is different. Take care. Vernon

13-01-06, 17:57

marcia lowe