View Full Version : New to the forums, 6 weeks on Cipralex

20-03-10, 08:30
Hey there here's a bit about me,

I'm new to this place, I'm 22 yrs old and I had heart surgery last January and was on heart meds for 8 months called digoxin and propafenone. 5 days before surgery the heart doc told me to cold turkey my meds and not taper because it wasn't necessary. I assured him it would be a bad idea. The good news is the surgery was a success, bad news: I wound up in the psych ward 3 weeks later due to severe depression/anxiety attacks, which I have never experienced at this intensity in my life. The docs still deny it was heart med withdrawal, but I know for sure it was.
I was sent to a rehab home for 10 days and the pdoc started me on cipralex. 5mg for 1 week and 10 mg for 5 weeks now. Still feeling down at times, not too bad. But, really spacey/zoned out/tired all day, hence my name. I take the pill at night around 8pm and about after 9 and throughout the night I feel really edgy and anxious like I can't control myself. It lingers during the day as well and after taking a bath I get so edgy and anxious, I feel like a monster. I get really scared and want to freak out !!! I've been taking a 0.5-1 mg of ativan a night to cope with the anxiety. I really don't feel like myself at all. It's indescribable.. but I feel numb, but at the same time completely on edge. Is this normal ? 6 weeks seems like enough time, should I wait longer to kick in ? Anything helps !!! thanks !

20-03-10, 08:31
Hi Spacey

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-03-10, 16:44
Hi Spacey,

Sorry to hear you are not having a good time of it at the moment.

The meds seem to have lifted your depression but you are probably still experiencing some side effects causing the anxiety, I am not familiair with the medication you are taking along with cipralex (ativan) if this is not helping perhaps you should go back and discuss with your GP. It may be that you need an increase in the dose of cipralex, your GP will be able to advise.

Its an awful feeling to be on edge etc, especially at night time. I hope that you feel better soon and that your GP can help you.

Take care.


20-03-10, 17:07
hey spacey,

just want to welcome you. hope you have a good day

20-03-10, 20:16
Thanks for the input Jo, yea being on edge sucks. The ativan also called lorazepam is the anti-anxiety pill. I'm living off of it a lot these days, but the effects are starting to wear down I feel. I made an appt with my GP for next tuesday, maybe an increase in dose could work ? But, i'm worried that it might increase side effects ? thanks for the welcome irish guy !

20-03-10, 21:16
I was put on Cipralex just before Christmas due to panic attacks. They do take a while to kick in and I would still get panicky feelings for a while after several weeks but they never lasted long. Now I find I am just about'normal' again although I'm aware they can come back at any time so I dont want to come of Cipralex, they are my 'comfort pills'..lol

20-03-10, 22:08
Hey Spacy,
I feel your pain man..... Must be really tough...
I'm on my 2nd day of Lexapro..... I feel messed up.... A lot like you described and it's only 2nd day...!!
I feel and look like I'm coming down off of drugs.... I don't know how I'm going work monday.....
I hope your trip to the doctor gets you some results....
Best of luck....

21-03-10, 00:16
ahh i know ! woodsie the first couple weeks are a hurter I won't lie ! BUt some people here say you gotta feel the worse to get better, guess we all just gotta stick with it ! thanks for the luck and I hope your right lindor about them kickin in soon :) Keep posting any thoughts/feelings ! let's walk this out, can't do it alone that's why I'm here, keep me posted about your progress to !

21-03-10, 19:09
ok cool, will do spacey.....
I'm the same, feel I can't do this alone......
3rd day and feel like I'm going crazy..... actually round the bend.... I can't stop pacing around the house and the garden..!! this is a fecking hurter alright....
so , depressed too man..... I had my 1st attack in a couple of years just over 2 weeks ago.... broke up with my girlfriend the weeknd after the attack cause I was such a paranoid wreck.... She's back with her ex already.... feels too much to take at this time.... pushing me right over the edge...
hope your getting on better today spacey....

21-03-10, 20:01
dam.. that's a lot to carry for you bro.. it ain't cool when things like this control your life. people just can't get that sometimes unless you go through it. today's alrite so far, same old just hoping for the best. keep me posted.