View Full Version : any tips please

20-03-10, 08:31
how do i go back to where i had a major panc attack the panic attack has left me fearing going out i feel angry at myself for letting this happen what steps could i do i got bad anxiety just thinking about going to that place i need and want to go to town but the fear is too great what can i do please

20-03-10, 10:23
Hello Angie,
Well if the fear is to great might be best not to go,,just wait until you feel ready. I think you just have to slowly ease back into things, not take any big stides. You will get there, just give it time,
Regards Redrainbow,

20-03-10, 10:56
Hi Angie,
I agree with Redrainbow, try little steps at a time and not big strides. We all know with our illness we need an element of push in there but you need to be in the right frame of mind to be able to cope with that push. Perhaps it is a little too soon? When did this happen? I know if you are scared to leave the house then the best steps there is just to go as far as you can and then turn back, then try again the next day but push yourself that bit further until eventually you can do it.

When I was younger I can remember going into town and being in a packed busy store in the middle of a Saturday afternoon.....I used to start to panic...I would say to my mum...I got to get out and would run for the exit. I then got scared to go where there were crowds and hated going into the town centre, I would get so far into it and then panic and have to get out.

What I then did is set myself a goal and would go further and further each time until I could eventually walk right through the centre without panicking.

That is the only way I know how to do it....you can do it...you want to.....so that's half the battle. Try it see how you go. You will do it.....just takes time.

Take care


20-03-10, 10:58
thankyou redrainbow i did go there yesterday and felt like id been blowing loads of balloons up lol i kept myself calm but the feeling wouldnt go so instead of going home i turned round and went to a shop instead soon as i left the situation i was fine

20-03-10, 11:03
thats what ill do try and go further every bit and see what happens thankyou jo i had major panic attack 5 weeksago i went totally out of control bad i can go to shop and doctors just not this one place