View Full Version : Very worried. Transabdominal scan Monday.(ladies)

20-03-10, 11:07
I have to go for this scan on Monday as I have had womens type problem. I have had a hysterectomy and ovaries removed years ago, so don't know what else there is to cause the problem I am having. (not bleeding but nasty discharge which has now gone). Needless to say I am convinced I have cancer of something and scared it has been there so long that nothing can be done.
As some of you will know I live on an island so to go to this scan I have to actually fly to Glasgow (30 mins). This isn't helping my anxiety either. I fly out on my own but one of my daughters will be able to come with me to the hospital.
I know that no one can reassure me that there's nothing wrong because there might be but just wanted a few kind words from people who understand how frightening this is for me.
Thanks. Judy.xxxx

20-03-10, 11:37
Hello Judy,

Yes, I can understand why you are worried about your scan, because no matter what the outcome is we always imagine the worst possible scenario!! Lots of us have gone through the same feelings about certain tests, I know I have. I've imagined all sorts and could even see myself being carted off in a coffin to the local undertakers!! What we need to remember, though, is that more often than not it's never as bad as we imagined it would be!! There's lots of things that can cause certain symptoms that are completely harmless and simple and can be treated so easily:yesyes:. Especially in this day and age. I know it's worrying, but I really hope you get on okay on Monday and I bet you will. It's the waiting for the event that makes us so anxious. All the best for Monday and let us know how it goes.
Myra x:hugs:

20-03-10, 19:43
Thank you so much for your kind words Myra. I'm really going to try to be positive about everything.

20-03-10, 20:33
I had to have one last year, Judy and all was well with me as I'm sure it will be with you. Believe me, I was running my funeral in my mind -- as I do with everything I think I have. I just got finished today with a 48 hr Holter monitor, so I'm expecting the doctor to call on Monday with horrible news.

We all do this until we get the news that lets us breathe again.

Hugs to you, hon!

margaret jones
20-03-10, 20:59
Hold on in there Mojo we will all be thinking of you on Mon try and stay positive about the scan and the flight i hate flying and having any investigations so i feel for you
Take Care Maggie xxx

21-03-10, 09:55
Thank you Corinne and Maggie:hugs:
I am feeling more and more anxious as the appt. approaches but trying to be sensible and not let my imagination run away with me! Not easy though.
I will let you know how I get on. I don't suppose they will tell me much tomorrow. I have an appt. to see the gynaecologist on Friday and hopefully he will have my results then.
Thank you again for your support.
I hope you get good news about your monitor results too Corinne.

22-03-10, 00:29
I think you will feel relief once its all over with. There is nothing worse than being in limbo. Good for you for taking charge of the situation and getting the tests done. I'll be thinking of you, please let us know how you make out.

22-03-10, 01:17
Hon, if you can't wait until Friday, give your doctor a couple days after your test and give him a call. He should have the results. I think doctors should call or have their nurses call as soon as results come in. Being anxious about results takes a toll.

Sometimes if you act pathetic and nervous, the tech may tell you something. When I went for my stress test, the doctor told me right then and there that it was fine. I didn't have to wait for my GP to tell me. Now just biting my nails for the Holter results.

Thank you for your kind words, mojo! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

22-03-10, 09:47
Thanks everyone.:hugs: Leaving for hospital about 10.30. Will update you when I'm back home tomorrow. Staying at daughters tonight in Glasgow again.
Nerves not as bad as I thought they would be. Probably ramp up once I get to hospital!!

anx mum
22-03-10, 10:54
hi judy just want to say good luck today im sure your be fine:hugs:

23-03-10, 18:43
Thanks Bev!
Well, I got the scan and the guy that did it said that he didn't think he could see anything wrong in the vaginal area etc. so that made me feel better. Then he scanned round my back(kidneys?) he went over the same bit three times and asked me to hold my breath. He never said what he was doing or that everything in that area seemed ok so now of course I'm worrying he saw something there!!! He told me that he would send the report to my docs and I should be able to get the results more or less straight away. I made an appt. to see her tomorrrow at 4.50 so will find out then. Help!

On the plus side, I actually managed to go to lunch with my daughter after the appt. and spent ages in Primark buying lots of their cheap and cheerful clothes!!! I havn't been able to do that for about a year! I didn't feel too bad either. Anxiety level pretty good although I did get tired after a while. My daughter was so proud of me for all I did and I was pretty pleased with myself too!
Flew back home this morning and anxiety minimal too!!!

Just hoping for good news tomorrow and when I see gynae. doc on Friday. I will keep you posted.
Thank you all again for your support.
Love Judy.xxxx

23-03-10, 18:48
Hello Judy, I was just thinking about you today, wondering how you got on! Thanks for keeping us posted. Looks like everything is okay:yesyes: Let us know how the doctor goes.
Myra x

anx mum
23-03-10, 21:23
hi hun well done u should b proud of yourself going to your appointment and going shopping:yesyes: im sure ur b fine try not to worry

23-03-10, 21:35
just wanted 2 say good luck and perhaps u and ur daughter could do a bit of shopping and lunch after the scan if u have time treat and reward urself with something nice

26-03-10, 09:36
Just wanted to post an update on my scan results. The scan showed no sign of any cancer, and all swabs were clear of any infection. Thank goodness!!:yesyes:
The doc. is pleased with all results so far although she says it obviously still doesn't tell us what the problem was or where it came from but if the gynae doc says it's just one of those things and a one off then she's happy to leave it at that. I was supposed to see gynae doc. today but appt has been cancelled and he's not coming here to the island for another 3 weeks. I left a message at the surgery for my doc. to phone me to make sure it's ok to wait that long and she doesn't think I should go out to Glasgow again to see him there. Hopefully after a clear scan it will be ok to wait. I was a bit upset because obviously I would like to have got it all over with. Never mind.
Thanks again for all your replies and support.
I will post an update here if anyone is interested when I finally see gynae doc.
Love Judy.xxx (Sorry this is so long!!!):hugs: