View Full Version : I am new

20-03-10, 14:42
I started having massive panic attacks 2 months ago since my Mum had a brain aneurysm and died. Life has been uttrely hel ever since. I have all the symptoms everyone describes, and on top of I am diabetic. Looking for treatment and answers got me to this interesting site.

20-03-10, 14:43
Hi shakra

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-03-10, 16:27

Sorry to hear about your mum, how awful for you.

You have come to the right place, lots of friendly helpful caring people on here who know just what you are going through and how you are feeling.

So glad I came accross the site by accident some time ago, it has been a god send to me and a welcome distraction at times too.

Good luck on your journey.


20-03-10, 16:37
I am so sorry to hear about your mum. No wonder you feel so bad. You have done the right thing joining this site and you will get great comfort from knowing others are feeling or have felt like you do. You are not alone.
Myra x

20-03-10, 21:20
Its very scary getting panic attacks for the first time and its no surprise your mother's death has affected you.

Have you been to the doctor about them? I tried to fight my panic attacks for two years, in the end I went to my doctor and she was great. She put me on Cipralex and they have helped me a great deal.

This forum is a great help to because you know you arent alone and you are not going mad.

21-03-10, 03:01
sorry to hear about your mother, i'll say a prayer for you

welcome to the forum, it is good to be amongst people who know what your're going through

21-03-10, 12:55
Welcome shakra. The forum can be a good place for sharing your feelings and learning to understand our kind of illness and how we can battle it.

Death can be a complex thing to deal with. I was already on anti-depressants when my father became ill and died in 2008 and on them again when mum passed last month. So my emotions have been quite muted both times. Almost too much. I sometimes feel guilty for not having had the tears and emotion, although in both cases we had some notice due to the illness involved. I think it could have been very different if it had been something sudden, like with your mum. It must be a very sad time for you. :hugs:

My folks were in their late 80s so its never a surprise really at their age, even though I'm only late 40s. I get the sense that you & your mum were younger than that. So don't feel bad for it making you ill - none of us should - but when its a sudden unexpected situation few people are prepared for it in any way.

Have a good read of the information off of the menu on the left of the forum. Sometimes it helps to know you enemy - your illness.

Do post your questions and share what you can. Its easier to help the more we know about your feelings, symptoms, etc.

PS: Its irrelevant but assuming you're not from an ex-pat family - your English is brilliant! Whatever, you are very welcome here. Some our threads are written by half mad, drunken, dyslexics with the shakes - all are welcome.

21-03-10, 13:33
Very sorry to hear of your loss and the difficult time you're having.

Welcome to the forum - I hope you find it helpful here.

13-02-11, 08:14
Thank you all !
its has been a long time since I came back to this forum again. A lot happened and I forgot this altogether among other things. My health deteriorated and I am still struggling to be normal. Making small steps at a time.
I started having weird symptoms and have been to the docs over the last year like mad. Tests all proved OK but was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia. I am on Tegretol which keeps the pain but I have small bouts of it. Loads of discomforts with burping and ear pain. The GP cant see the connection. Have done ultrasound of throat. Lately, I have blood in the morning when I freshen and clear my throat.
I'm diabetic and so far, after a lot of disbalance, it is OK. I keep a tight diet control. But lately been eating some carbs ... so have put on 4 kgs. Have to lose them fast !!
Now, am having high anxiety for my husband. He is much elder to me and I can't suffer the idea of losing him. It is hell in my head.
I'm alone, I done have anyone as family or close kin apart from him. So, feel quite anxious all the time...
How can I beat this feeling ?
I've tried yoga, breathing, prayer ... and been doing osteopathy treatments. Which have helped a lot. Lots.

I can understand the state of mind of those who are here. But can only share my experience and empathy and hope we can join hands to help each other.
All the best,