View Full Version : Can anxiety kill motivation?

20-03-10, 16:47
I have no motivation for anything in life, I am the original under achiever, I wonder could this be something to do with anxiety and depression? For example I'm not in the best physical condition, I look in the mirror and think Ewww, but I don't have the motivation to actually change anything,

Thats just one example but I have this issue in so many areas of my life, from my career to my partner, while I'm not happy with the way things are I can't find the energy or motivation to change. Maybe I just a lazy fooker :(

Desprate Dan
20-03-10, 18:07
Join the club, i was once very self motivated, i would get up at daft oclock in the morning and do something like clean the car out, not it seems i just cant be bothered doing anything anymore it seemed like any motivation i had just drained away from me, and it is really frightening because i know i really should make an effort, but there is no drive coming from inside...


20-03-10, 19:10
Well at least i'm not alone, only wish i could overcome this.

20-03-10, 20:38
I was always an acheiver. Since going through my latest physical problems, I've become the opposite. I used to clean my house until you could eat off the floors. Now, with the anxiety of not knowing what's wrong with me, I'm lucky to motivate myself to do laundry. I only push myself to do what it absolutely necessary.

So yes, anxiety kills motivation.

eternally optimistic
20-03-10, 20:49
.... it certainly does, I put everything off and am an under achiever too.

I am sure, deep down, neither of us are really, we are just punishing ourselves.

Take care.

21-03-10, 19:21
I am glad I am not the only one who cannot be bothered to do things all the time

21-03-10, 19:47
Anxiety and depression are a vicous circle for me in terms of motivation. If I have something important to do I will worry so much that I will put off doing anything. Nausia and stomach upsets dont help either. When depressed I cant be bothered to do anything.

I find the best way of dealing with it is to do small things when Im like this, and the small achievements usually spur me on to get on with things x

22-03-10, 13:16
Post removed by author

pussy cat
22-03-10, 22:30
am glad i,m not the only one - i used to keep going all day long once i started & really enjoyed looking at the results - now it takes me all my willpower to do the essentials- just don,t want to be bothered - & then i feel even worse because the jobs are mounting up !!! so the answer is 100% YES anxiety can kill motivation

23-03-10, 02:36
its definately true that anxiety kills motivation, i am tired all the time and everything is a effort i push myself into doing what must ne done, but housework had fallen behind, and my general appearence is not the same. always use to wear make-up, straighten hair etc... now i wash n go, its too much effort.