View Full Version : Ideas?

20-03-10, 17:33
I've been with anxiety for 2 months now and It's really starting to take a toll on me. I asked a friend on how I should deal with it (he's had it in the past) and he strongly recommended I get a hobby or interest. Currently, I am at a real low point in my life (because of anxiety mainly) and I'm asking you guys on ideas on what are some hobbies or interests I can take up. I am 15 years old and I live in a small community away from everything pretty much. My life is just so boring right now. My life consists of going to school from monday to friday, and then on weekends just going to the park with my friends or to the mall/movies. I am really sick of doing the same stuff over again and the boredom and unfullfillment in my life is starting to cause a mild depression in me. So do you guys think you could give me some ideas on what to do as in a cool hobby or something that will keep me busy and interested so I can take my mind of anxiety? I really need to get something fun in my life going again I'm tired of doing the same stuff over and over again and the boredom is killing me. Ideas welcomed.

20-03-10, 17:56
Ahhh! The joys of teenage life, otherwise known as I aint got nowt to do :-) I have two daughters myself and as with all teenagers they like someone else to sort things out for them but without them knowing! :ohmy:

First, where do you live; out of town or in town? If you're out of town my favourite was fishing. Nothing to beat your line going tight and to find the monster threatening to take you water skiing over the lake was a 4 ounce tiddler. In town then get a bike and get out of town and go fishing! Even cycling can be great fun. get a cheap mountain bike off Ebay, take it to top of the nearest hill, climb on board and turn the pedals. I'll guarantee you won't be bored at least for thirty seconds. If you've suitable water near you could even get a cheap canoe off Ebay.

But whatever you do don't wait until you feel like doing it. You don't enjoy food before eating it do you?

Have fun

20-03-10, 18:06
I live in a recreational town (meaning its mainly a housing district with a few parks, and really boring!) I've considered going biking as one of the ideas though so I might try it very soon.

20-03-10, 20:56
Great! Go for it. Just hope you look good in Lycra, it seems de rigeur for cycling now. I just throw cords on and go for it when I can. Do wonder why thirty year olds keep speeding past me though. I have got drop handle bars after all :)
