View Full Version : Finding It Very Hard To Sleep.

20-03-10, 19:31
I have GAD and have been taking Citalopram since last November. I thought they were working really well and ive been feeling so much better over the last 3 or 4 weeks, starting to do things that I really had a hard time with like using public transport and being alone for long periods of time, but over the last week ive been having a really hard time sleeping. Its taking me hours to finally fall asleep and then I wake a 5 or 6 in the morning and struggle to get back to sleep. Occasionally I will go and lie on the couch and fall asleep for another hour or so, but more often then not I stay awake. Last night I had an anxiety attack, which I haven't had for about 2 months, and thought I might have a panic attack, but managed to calm myself down. I already burn Lavender oil at night, and when I asked my doctor and my chemist about sleeping pills they both said that they shouldn't be taken with Citalopram. Im really starting to lose it, as you can imagine with the lack of sleep, and its driving me crazy.Im just generally looking for any encouragement/support/tips really, because being alone at night and feeling like that is really awful.

Sorry for how long this post is by the way, I didn't realise.

20-03-10, 19:37
My oldest son swears by Kalms Sleep, a herbal remedy. He says to take them an hour before bed and they definitely worked for him. I don't know about taking them with meds but you can always ask the pharmacist. I think the thing is not to panic about not being able to sleep because this just turns it into a vicious circle. What about exercise? Even a 20 minute walk each day can help with sleep at night. I hope you get something to help you soon.
Myra x

20-03-10, 19:59
there's a book by paul mckenna called "i can make you sleep" which i found very helpful when i had my GAD, it has a 20min CD with it which you play when you go to bed.

Also when i was at the height of my GAD my GP suggested to just give yourself a set time you are going to go to bed and wake up everyday. I think i set myself 11pm-8:30am everyday, the only time i was allowed out of bed was for the toilet.

It's not too much fun at first because you can't get to sleep but i found after 4-5 days my body was really getting used to it (called biorhythms i think?) and managed to sleep very well from then on.

good luck :) glad to hear you are doing better overall :)