View Full Version : Weight loss

20-03-10, 20:20
Hi everyone, has anyone lost a lot of weight with their anxiety, I was never large but at least i used to fill my jeans, Im 41 and 5ft 2 and weight just over 7 stone now, I hate myself when i look in the mirror i look so ill and skinny, my ribs are visible which i think look horrible, i do try to eat but most of the time my appetite is not very good because i am always anxious and tense. my favorite foods like cheese and chocolate i cant eat anymore cause they give me migraine. so fed up with anxiety. I would be happy at 8 stone just cant seem to put weight on but lose it so quickly.
Thank you for reading

20-03-10, 20:37
hi ann.
sorry to here that you can not put weight. may be you have to set gols for your self. each day to try to each more and more until you get to the weight you would like to get to. Hope this will help you thought this at this time. keep eating.

20-03-10, 20:58
has your appetite gone? mines goes when I'm anxious and i find it so hard to eat!
even food i like doesn't trigger of any hunger!
try and drink lots of milk, or hot chocolate or soup if you find it hard to eat and take multivitamins.
even fizzy drinks will help keep your blood sugar up a bit if your not eating.

20-03-10, 21:02
I have lost weight maybe 6 pounds at the most but I don't worry as I always gain it back once my anxiety calms down.
have you been at 7 stone for long? it is quite a low weight for you height, probably slightly underweight, so I can see how you don't like how you look, you've lost all your curves :(
maybe see your doctor? I'm sure they can give you something to increase your appetite :-)

andrea thompson
20-03-10, 21:54
hiya hon

i have lost a stone and a pound since the anxiety kicked in. i know your appetite goes when you are feeling anxious but on top of this when stressed we produce a hormone that breaks down fat or something like that - so hence we lose weight. a pharmacist told me this and a couple of people have told me it happened to them when stressed and depressed. what about those slimmer shakes (slim fast) if you eat and have them they help you to gain weight. and they are full of nutrients, apparently.

take care

andrea x x

21-03-10, 17:23
Thank you all so much for your replies, I am normally around eight and half stone, but gradually got less and less over the last twelve months, i only have to skip meals for a day or two and weight drops off me, i have made an appointment to see my doctor on Tuesday so hopefully he will be able to suggest something for me.
Thanks again
Ann x

21-03-10, 19:19
Hi ann,
I'm the same - I'm 5'4'' and lost a lot of weight when my anxiety was at its worst - and I've always been quite slim anyway- I was down to under 8 stone and looked very 'scraggy' - with even size 8 clothes being too baggy and that scared me. I became obsessed with going to Boots the same time every week to go on their scales to check I hadn't lost any more weight! What a stress! It was also worsened when a doctor asked me if I had an eating disorder when I told her about my anxiety - so then I panicked thinking maybe I had and would other people think I had one etc etc.

I just decided to stop weighing myself and stop worrying about it and I think I'm looking a lot healthier but have no idea if I put weight on or not.

The hard thing for me was that I had no appetite and got anxious if I over-ate and feel panicky when feeling full.

21-03-10, 19:58
I find nibbling on cheese is good. it's high in fat and not too filling.
when i went on holidays my anxiety was so bad all i could stomach were those hula hoop crisps!
i find even though I'm not hungry i do get light headed so i always have a bottle of 7up or sprite on me.

21-03-10, 22:57
I think it's a natural thing with anxiety, i lost just over a stone last year and i was at my worst with the anxiety but as i have started to feel better i have gradually put it back on..

I have to admit tho whilst losing it i was worried it was something else x