View Full Version : Feeling lost and lonely

eternally optimistic
20-03-10, 20:42
I've started back on Citalopram today, having been one it several years ago for a year and then off for a year.

I feel quite low, not sure if its because I realise that I need to take them to get me "back on track" or because I feel a bloody failure at not being able to cope without them.

I hate life at the moment, I want to change the world... if only.
I question everything, generally I'm easily pleased but feel unsettled and discontented and I can't explain why.

I know, I think, its all the symptoms of the anxiety getting the better of me, I could cry.

I'm back to worrying about everything from, buying a "cheap" top that some poor sod, probably a child has worked hard for a pitance, to my daughter just saying "nobody has texted me" - I KNOW, I KNOW, its all ridiculous and eating me alive but I just feel sad and alone.

My anxiety is creeping in alot, and is starting to stop me going for walks, which I enjoy and started to do when I thought I might become agraphobic to absolutely freaking about doing anything.

I AM a really easy pleased person, but I always feel like I am searching and always will be searching for something.

I know the above is probably a bit of mish mash of nothing, but I needed to let it all out..

Bye for now.

ally b
20-03-10, 20:56
You sound just like me. sending ya big massive :bighug1:Ur a good person wiv a hole lot ov love. Bless u xx

eternally optimistic
20-03-10, 21:13
thank you ally.

20-03-10, 21:22
you sound like you have hit a rut but in a way thats good, because things are only going to start getting better now. don't stop going for walks - this will help you no end. you're not a failure for needing some help. there are thousands of us who need that extra help. just take one day at a time and try and focus on positives x