View Full Version : dark circles

20-03-10, 20:43
can chronic anxiety cause dark circles under your eyes.im sleeping ok just worried.

20-03-10, 21:19
last few weeks i have noticed big dark circles under my eyes since my anxiety has been through the roof not sure its connected though but proebrly is. also you could b anemic hunni low on iron i had my iron level checked the other day by a blood test and it was ok so thats not my cause .is ur iron levels ok r u female? if u suspect iron levels r low get doc to check ur iron levels nothing serious and can b easily sorted with sum iron tabs so dnt worry ,but i doubt it hun proberly jus like me being highly stressed and of course we notice things even more being like this .plus another suggestion beta blockers can cause blood vessles to dilate and that causes dark circles to b more prominent and of course i am on beta blockers to aloud of different factors can cause it nothing harmful though you are fine so try not to worry even not drinking enough water can cause it ....hope this helps love c.xxx

21-03-10, 09:39
oh dear the dreaded dark circles, I have just come to accept mine and stock up on concealer :/

21-03-10, 10:02
I have these too and I always think they make me look really ill (which matches how I feel half the time anyway!). I only noticed them so much after my anxiety problems started. I think concealer is the only answer as iris333 says.

21-03-10, 12:24
I've had dark circles since I was in my teens when ME hit. I've used eye creams, drank 8 glasses of water etc and nothing helps them so I use my Touche Eclat concealer and get on with it.

21-03-10, 19:26
I must say though there is some eye gel from virgin vie which does make the eye area look fresher! (no I am not a virgin vie rep!!)

21-03-10, 19:28
if anyone knows what would make dark circles go away please please let me know lol, i have been going round looking like a panda for half my life now, i dont think anxiety causes it, it is definitely more something to do with your diet and lifestyle as i have had these for years and years and years and fortunately i havent been suffering from anxiety that long xxx

21-03-10, 20:10
mine are inherited from my mum. its caused by the skin getting thinner so you can see the colour of bone through the skin.
eye creams help but nothing will cure it.
i use a light coloured concealer and white eyeshadow to help hide them.