View Full Version : Heavy period and worried

20-03-10, 21:28
I had a termination 14 weeks ago today, I was told to expect my periods to be heavy for a few months. Yesterday I came on my period, I am regular every 31 days which is good I know, but the first 2-3 days are quite crampy (I always had bad period pains before) and heavy. If I am up and active I bleed but rarely feel too heavy, but if i sit for abit then nip tp the loo I have a gush, quite alot comes out and it scares me:blush: It is quite thick too like discharge, but my husband says it is just the blood becoming thick as it has pooled when I have been sat down. Does anyone else get this gushing after sitting down?

I used to have heavy periods and alot of pain, but I don't recall having gushes like this.

I saw my GP 8 weeks ago after my first period, which was VERY heavy and I was terrified. Everytime i moved, whether it be sitting or standing i gushed, not nice. She ran some bloods (full blood count, ESR, CRP & U&E's) she said they would rule out an infection, as I told her id done some reading and read that a womb infection or PID from the op can cause heavy periods so I was concerned. She did a swab too, I only had a low vaginal swab but she said this would give her a general idea of what was going on, I felt too anxious to have the higher swab but am I right in thinking that the higher swab only checks for chlamyida and ghonorheoa anyway?

Does anyone else have periods this heavy? Am I worrying over nothing that I could have pelvic inflammatory disease or an infection if i have had a low vaginal swab and bloods done? I haven't had any other worrying symptoms other than the heavier periods, but I have been told they are to be expected.

My first period was very heavy and since then I have this fear of bleeding every month, the gushing sensation scares me alot, my GP told me some women flood and go through their clothes everytime they stand up and walk, so they are what they would class as abnormally heavy. I am just scared of haemorage I guess, as I know infections up there can cause that:weep:

Sorry to post for advice, just having a bad day.

20-03-10, 21:31
PS: I forgot to say my GP prescribed me the pill to help my periods, which I still haven't started (I have this fear of the combined pill and all the risks of clots, heart attacks etc.. I know it is stupid). I am awaiting a gallstone scan so one GP said not to start it until afterwards, but another said it is fine to take it. I know I should as hopefully it will change my life.

andrea thompson
20-03-10, 21:48
hiya hon

i am so sorry you are still feeling upset and worried by all this. i am sure you will be fine. everything you are describing sounds normal after what you have been through. i hope you get lots of reassurance on here.

take care

andrea x x

20-03-10, 22:04
Thank you Andrea.

Just a bad day I guess:-( xxx

23-03-10, 18:32
Can anyone please offer me some peace of mind? feeling so low about this fear tonight, and on edge:-(

I came on my period properly friday, I had a medium flow I guess you would call it, no gushing but period pains, it all got abit heavier by teatime and I felt pretty rough. Saturday the flow wasn't too bad at first but by lunch time I started having those gushes everytime i stood up after sitting, I had abourt 4 all day aswell as a regular flow. Sunday was back to medium flow, no gushes really, what I did have wasn't anywhere near as bad as the day before. Yesterday I had VERY light bleeding, I had a smear on my pad all day, and a teeny amount when wiping, what I did have was more yellow/pink. Then today was day 5 and I had abit more red again today, but again on a smear or two on my pad, red when i wiped after the loo today. I just got in from uni, got kids ready for bed, fed pets and then after my shower i wiped down below and had a darker red loss a couple of times. I am now all on edge because today it came on again abit, more than yesterday and although this has happened in the past I am worried it is going to get heavy again:-(((( why does this happen, why does it come back, just when I am feeling confident about getting out of the house and feeling proud of myself?? is it normal for a period to come back on even though on day 4 it got lighter?? I know it's not loads but it's enough to make me feel on edge again.

How can I get over this fear of bleeding down there:-((( I don't think I ever will. I don't think it's the termination that has caused the fear as such, but the first HEAVY gushing period I had 5 weeks after the op has terrified me, and I can't even accept periods now. I know I keep going on about it but I am scared this is going to ruin my life and I will feel this anxious forever, I don't want to leave uni and my future career:-((((((

23-03-10, 21:32
Hi there,

I had a termination when I was 19 and for about 5 months afterwards I truely felt I was bleeding to death 2 weeks every month. It was like being in a horror movie. I totally understand the fear - it's like a visual, physical reminder of what happened and also terrifying to see that much gore come from yourself.

It *will* settle down by itself eventually I promise. The pill would probably speed it up and just remember that although it may slightly increase your risk of blood clots, it also protects you from a number of cancers for up to 20 years after you stop taking them so the benefits and negatives balance.

But, if you want to let your body settle down by itself (and if you're like me, your hormones probably need a rest) then try to just look at this as your body cleaning itself out and recovering from the trauma it's gone through. If you need reassurance go and see your doctor again, but I'm positive it's just one of those things that will mend itself in time.

Hugs to you x

26-03-10, 16:13
Thank you Kate, your reply has helped me alot so I appreciate you taking the time to tell me about your experience.

Termination isn't something you get over easily is it, I still find it difficult now 15 weeks later.

I had another heavy period this month so 3rd month now, GP wants me to start the loestrin 20 pill, I really hope it helps my cycles because this month I bled for 8 days and I just had a swab taken to check all is ok.

Thanks again xxxx

Cell block H fan
26-03-10, 20:31
Ive never had a termination hun, but it does sound like early days. I had heard it can take about 6 months to get back to normal. Not sure how true that is.
I hope it settles down for you soon.

26-03-10, 20:42
Donīt worry, hun, Iīve had the same kind of problems even without a termination. I have been bleeding like this ever since my late teens. I wouldnīt worry about it too much, although I know itīs not the best feeling in the world. But as my man says: How are the men supposed to trust something that bleeds 5 days in a row and doesnīt die? :-) Really, donīt worry, my standard period looks exactly the way you described it here.

28-03-10, 21:57
Thank you Kate, your reply has helped me alot so I appreciate you taking the time to tell me about your experience.

Termination isn't something you get over easily is it, I still find it difficult now 15 weeks later.

I had another heavy period this month so 3rd month now, GP wants me to start the loestrin 20 pill, I really hope it helps my cycles because this month I bled for 8 days and I just had a swab taken to check all is ok.

Thanks again xxxx

Hi again love,

No it's not something you just get over. It's years since I had mine and I thought I was over it - then I lost a baby late last year and it all came back (I thought I was being punished which really is stupid).

I'm really glad you are going to try the pill. For me personally, having the depo after losing the baby did stop me having the awful, gory bleeding I had following the termination. Just be aware though that the pill may cause spotting or irregular bleeding which while much easier to live with than what you're having now, may be scary if you aren't expecting it (I wasn't expecting it and totally freaked - I think you actually answered me when I was going through a major panic about it. I laugh at myself now :D )

28-03-10, 22:04
Thank you all.

I hope it doen't take 6 months:-( I was told after 2 weeks that phsyically I was now well enough to run a marathon by my Doctor and that I was worrying over nothing and that they are just periods now to deal with.

Was your breakthrough bleeding heavy when you started the pill Kate? I must admit I am worried about that.

Thanks xxxx

28-03-10, 22:06
I saw my GP on Thursday night and they did swabs to rule out infection (high swab that i didnt manage last time) and he said if they come back clear then I can relax as it will prove the bleeding is not heavy due to infection.

29-03-10, 09:38
Hiya again,

No my bleeding wasn't heavy it was just a very very small amount every day for a week or two then nothing, lather, rinse, repeat for about 3 months. If I had been expecting it I wouldn't have been at all worried. However, because I wasn't I drove myself mad thinking I had cervical cancer or something. It was so light that I didn't need to use any products and would probably not have even noticed it if I hadn't become obsessed with it :)

But if for whatever reason you do get heavier bleeding on it than I did, the doctors are able to prescribe you a tablet to stop it (sorry I really can't remember it's name but I was offered it when I tried the mini-pill a few years ago and reacted badly to it - it cleared it up within a matter of days)

29-03-10, 21:54

Thanks Kate, I know the meds you are talking about as I was prescribed them after my first heavy period.

Does it really take 6 months to get over a D&C??? I was told after 2 weeks i was fit and well.

30-03-10, 21:44
I had my high swab results back, they were fine so I guess i have to relax about any infection causing the heavy bleeds.