View Full Version : Please help me !!!! whats wrong with me

20-03-10, 23:13
Hi all

Let me start of and introduce myself my names cameron im 20 years old and im really scared

Ok here goes it all happend 3 weeks ago. I was at work stressed about money all the time !!! when suddenly bammm hit by paulpations tried to get rid of them by drinkin water but nothing seemed to work. As i work in a hospital i rigged myself up to the ecg machine heart rate was 150 and climbing. In all truth i felt like i was dieing things goin round in my mind weather im goin to see my son grow up all sorts. Anyways got rushed to a different hospital for treatment by this time my heart rate was 230-240 giving the drug adensien heartrate fell down to normal rate discharged same night reasured by two senior doctors that theres nothing wrong with my heart. Ever since it has happend i feel like its goin to happen when im out and about and cant get any help. Im always worried about stuff just yesterday had the same episode but manged to control it on my own and get HR right down whats the matter with me !!!. To cut long story short i used to take propanolol about 4months ago for anxiety they seemed to work but stoped them as i moved and cound travel back and forth. Has the anxiety come back twice as hard or am i just starting to grieve about the loss of my mother who passed away when i was 9. I feel like im alone im scared, its putting a strain on my lovelife even talking bout anxiety makes me feel wierd please somebody help

also i check my HR every second :(:(

20-03-10, 23:35
im sorry ur suffering like this its terrible ,i too suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and have 3 lil boys so i no how hard it is .puts even mre pressure on u if u have somethnk so precious but this is classic panic attacks causing all sorts of symptms and sensations and blimey i get most of them they r so vile !!the main thing is to try and relax hard i knw find sumthnk that distracts u and try breathing techinques im cureently tryint to relax myself and found writin all my worryin foughts down it distratcs me beta than going over an over in mind wit all these horrible foughts i keep getting .im sure ur heart is fine not only r u only 20 so very rare for heart problesm but youve been checked out and are fine!!plz try an stop checkin ur pulse becos that will cause it to increase mine does eveytime i put my finger on ,my wrist it goes up its soo so hard i knw but try an stay postive if ever u need a chat i am here jus pm me u are not alone .also i think ur increased heart rate may ave somethnk to do with u stoppin ur beta blockers...iam on a small dose of a beta blocker 2.5mg but i can see the difference it does to my hr so cud b that did ur doc tell u to stop it? becos u shudnt just stop takin it .go and see ur doctor and get some more tabs if they worked for u becos its liek;ly why ur heart has increased becos u stopped them .cos anxiety causes the heart rate to incraese. hope this has helped u ,best wishes love c.x

20-03-10, 23:46
hi o you dont know how much this makes me feel to know im not alone !! i only stopped the beta blockers coz i moved house and coundt afford to travel to see my gp i know i will prob get told off by someone here but i have a course of 10mg propanolol beta blockers stitting here so i took one today and i felt my hr drop but i have been having palps today shold i carry on taking them and see how it goes ??? mt xx

20-03-10, 23:49

This does all sound anxiety related. Please go to your doctor and explain your concerns, as you have done here. Your GP is the best person at this stage who can help.

20-03-10, 23:54
Hi whatever it is its gotten very bad to the point that im scared to leave my house for fear of it happening again i have alreaddy been admitted to hospital twice because of this its putting a strain on my relationship and it feels like im not there for my son please can somebody help ?????

21-03-10, 00:29
it sounds to me like if your not careful your gonna to develop full blown agoraphobia,,i know cos ive had it the last twenty five years,,mine started somewhat simular,,only i had missbeats with mine,,i was given atenalol for a sep heart condition and it does slow my heart rate down which helps,,if i was you id find yourself a nearer doctor get help,,your very young and dont need this rule-ing your life,,please get help,,i never have and i feel if i had of i wouldnt be in the state im in today,,take care theresa:hugs:

21-03-10, 02:39
i used to check my heart all the time, like once a minute at least if not more

Please go to the doc's first of all and I am sure they will confirm everything is OK