View Full Version : Hello

21-03-10, 00:23
Hi everyone, I am so relieved to find somewhere, I can share my anxieties. I have read some of your stories and it has given me the courage to join.

I am 33 I was diagnosed 3 years ago as suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I had thought I was better (silly really) but over the past few months the same old symptoms have started again, flashbacks, anxiety, palpatations, shakes etc. I am back at the doctors on Wednesday and I know they will want me to go back on the anti-depressants I feel like I have taken a massive step back, and am very emotional at the moment.

My problems started after the birth of my youngest child, I had an horrific birth experience and after care, I was left unable to walk for 8 months after the birth, suddenly I had a toddler and a newborn and I was completely useless, my husband lost his job through having to have time off to take care of us. I was very depressed and then started to have flashbacks which were crippling, they could happen at anytime without warning, and I would be frozen to the spot experiencing the fear and pain all over again, I couldn't sleep in fact I would avoid sleeping for as long as possible. I was unable to walk without a Zimmer frame or crutches and was in a lot of pain, so it became easier to stay at home, so I did just that for almost a year, never left the house, the first time I tried to leave I thought I was going to die, my heart was racing until I felt faint. I had counselling, and anti-depressants and I have been doing really well with help I have been able to have a fairly normal life, doing the school run etc, I would still feel panic whenever I went out but was back in control until recently, I can feel myself sliding again, the palpatations are getting more and more frequent I am avoiding going out if possible, I just can't believe I am starting all over again I feel very alone, my husband has been great but I just don't know if we can get through this again.

Sorry I have really gone on. Thanks for taking the time to read.

21-03-10, 00:24
Hi Cyberchick

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes