View Full Version : cant sleep, feel strange

21-03-10, 00:44

I am knackered, but everytime I try to go to sleep, I drift off and either jerk like I fell down a step or I get a rush through my chest and to my head almost like something is telling me to wake up. I didnt think I felt panicky. It feels as though my heart is going to give up, it isnt racing just dont feel right.l do suffer with anxiety and panic, but this is a new one for me. I thought I was coping ok up until now.

does anyone else suffer with this?


ally b
21-03-10, 01:00
elo,have you read the symptoms on the left ov this page???????
I get the same rush but in my head(my H/A ) Is brain tumour mostly.
Ya feel so so tired,an when ya wanns go sleep,BANG that happens.
This is normal.even though very frustrating.|Not gd,anx, is so cruel.
I read on hear to enjoy these rushes.Although i understand where there coming from,god i will be dammed the day i will start to like them. They scare ya,even though uv had em b4.
Dont worry this is normal,an they do pass- or at least ya begin 2 live wiv it,:bighug1:xxx

21-03-10, 01:21
I hate when I'm super tired like right now because that's when it happens.
the racing thoughts, weird images, falling asleep, feeling like your actually falling and your body jerks in response.
I think most people get this and personally I think it's the being too tired rather than the anxiety that cause it.
there's a huge group on facebook, related to this problem "the mini spaz attack you get when falling asleep"
I like the humour haha

23-03-10, 00:09
Thank you.

It did pass, I think it was because I was overtired maybe??? got a new problem today lol. but I am slowly getting used to them.

23-03-10, 08:55
Post removed by author

26-03-10, 19:40
thank you everyone it does help to hear from people who know what you are talking about.
thanks cymraig chris. went to that site.

thanks again