View Full Version : Anxiety or PTSD?

12-01-06, 20:47
My experience of PTSD with delayed onset of 12 years leads me to believe there are many who believe they have an anxiety disorder and present as anxious / paniced and/or depressed.

My experience of GP's (family doctors) is they just don't have time or inspiration to ask the penetrating questions that unlocks the "other symptoms" we had taken on board, without recognising or being able to describe them. e.g. easily startled, very vigilent, poor or disturbed sleep (nightmares, flash backs), difficulties with memory and concentration.

Many doctors fail to pick up on these teltales unless something stares them in the face - an obvious trama or tramatic event being brought up in conversation. So many seemingly irrational "other" root causes seem to abound - bullying at school, work, residential schools, witnessed disaster or motor vehicle accident, verbal or physical abuse, s*x**l abuse and vixctim of a crime, more ...

In my few months in this forum, there have been so very few posts in this PTSD area, and yet I have, in communicating with peers here, discovered several presenting as anxiety, have unstated historical events which, when mentioned leads me to suspect PTSD and not a general anxiety disorder they have been told they have. PTSD is then found to be the complete and correct diagnosis.

With my short experience on this site this suggests there may be more than a few NMP members are living day to day treating the _symptoms_ anxiety and depression and not the root cause.

I thought I'd post this in case it prompts others to ponder "do I have anxiety / panic disorder or PTSD?" it's easy enough to check - do a goodle search "DSM-IV+PTSD;.com" and see the criteria. Typical examples are ......

Repeatedly remembering the event.
Dreaming about the trauma.
Losing interest in your life.
Feeling separated from others.
Not experiencing many feelings.
Being on alert all the time.
Trouble sleeping.
Feeling guilty.
Trouble remembering things.
Beginning to avoid your life.
Reacting to things that resemble your trauma.
Feeling sad about what happened.
Telling the same incident over and over
Troubles with intimacy.
Troubles with relationships.
Feeling like you cannot control yourself.
Developing an eating disorder.
Developing a drinking disorder.
Developing a chemical abuse disorder.
Trying to control other people
Trying to control the events in your life.
Not leaving your house

I hope this helps someone (or more)...

Antipodes (an-tip-od-ease)- because I'm on the other side of the world)

02-03-06, 17:29
hi antepodes,

i find what you have written very interesting.

I have been on and off medication for the last 7 or so years. having put it all down to depression (or thats what the doctor said). Just recently after reading up on the internet and finding this site, anxiety seems closer to my symtoms, it basically makes sence as alarm bells were ringing when i read. Now i hadnt even looked up or considered PTSD. i had a huge family fued just before i seeked help initially (had given birth, moved house and fell out with my mother all in the same week, then some time later my mum died without us reconciliating and being shunned at her funeral by the rest of the family)

you have given me more though on possible triggers to my current condition.
Amanda XXX

06-03-06, 10:28
Hi Mandimae,

I hope my post was of some benefit to you. For me the "dead givaway" was my hyper-arousal states (exaggerated startle reaction and hyper-vigilence) but we're all different.

I had a GP (family) doctor and a psychologist miss PTSD and put "it" all down to depression. Grrrr.

Why not discuss your concerns with your GP? He could refer you to a psychologist for diagnosis and if confimed, therapy and a referral to a psychiatrist for expert attention to medications.

There are a lot of good sites on the topic (and others). I wish you well in your journey to wellness.



06-03-06, 19:48
Antipodes some of these things i hve but i havent been the docs yet hopefully wen i go and see them i hope they be able to tell me whats going on with me

06-03-06, 21:33
Hi lilbell,

When you see your GP, why not go prepared? Look up PTSD in a search and see the symptoms. It is only PTSD if the criteria is met - there are many similar other anxiety disorders.

I sincerely hope your doc handles your case with empathy and care - there are many GP's who "miss it" and just treat the reactive depression.

Good luck and get well soon.


15-03-06, 23:12
ant i got docs appointment for friday

18-03-06, 23:01
Hi lilbell,

Well?? How did it go?? Was the information you had "armed" yourself (in understanding) of benefit during the assessment with the psychologist?

Have you been offered some effective medications to deal with symptoms across PTSD?, have you access to CBT?(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) from NHS / Local Area Health Authority? It would help take all the confusion away and teach you how to cope with the symptoms and life, often without meds or remission. There are lots of techniques and strategies available.

Above all, seek therapists that are experienced in dealing with PTSD. It will save you a lot of time in getting better to ensure your therapist has a good handle on your (potential) PTSD diagnosis. And PTSD is above all else, an anxiety disorder!

I only want to help facilitate your to "understanding" and that you are now able to take hold of your life and move on to wellness and a happy and fulfilling life.

Please let us know how it went :- )


Antipodes aka Jeff

19-03-06, 19:52
i put it in my lil thread hun soz

30-03-06, 09:37

You are not going to believe this: On Tuesday I went to the women who has been treating me with Reiki healing & hypnotherapy. Until tuesday I have had 5 sessions. Memories have been coming up about a time in my life when I was 8yrs old. Now, this time has been floating about in my head & sometimes I have suspected that it is the cause of me starting to get panic/anxiety/depression almost 8yrs ago after the birth of my daughter (my 2nd child, 1st was a boy 4yrs before that ) I have always wondered why i got this after my second child was born & not the 1st. Anyway, over the last little while my panic/anxiety has been getting worse again. Soooo, last weekend I started writing about things that were popping up in my head about that time in my life. On Tues. I told the hypnotherapist everything I could remember. The weird thing is that all the feelings I talked about from that time were the feelings I get when I am feeling trapped (elevator, motorway etc.) She said that it definately sounds like this is where my fear stems from & she said she believed that it was PTSD. You see I remember being severely bullied by a girl 5 or 6 yrs older than me. I have NEVER EVER considered this, nor has anyone, other psychologists, Doctors, CPN's - no one!!. Because I have never considered it - I have never looked up any info on this subject & I have never looked at the posts under this subject - until today when I found your thread. The women who is helping me has suggested that the birth of a girl was the trigger - I suppose because it represented me - & the reason she thinks it has come back with a vengence now is that my daughter is at the age I was when this all happened. Also, she is the double of me at that age & she is so like me in her personality. So, she wants to hypnotise me to go back to that time in order for me to face those fears & feelings, so that I can understand them & finally put them to rest. Yesterday, for the 1st time I actually felt calm because deep down I know now how much sense this all makes. Up until Tuesday - I knew deep down this period of my life had something to do with it but I did not want to face it & I kept thinking that it was a waste of time visiting the past because it really had nothing to do with the now. But, I am going to give this a try, I have nothing to lose. Now I will look up more info about PTSD & see what come up.

09-04-06, 19:23
hi ive just read your write up. i find it very interesting!when i lost too much weight, which initialy started my panic disorder they put me in hospital for investigation, for me that was traumatic. 2 months later my symptoms became worse due to this traumatic event! thats what really set me off with hyperventilation etc.. for me dieting so severely set off the panic attacks but the hospital fright really made it worse.

09-04-06, 19:26
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">My experience of PTSD with delayed onset of 12 years leads me to believe there are many who believe they have an anxiety disorder and present as anxious / paniced and/or depressed.

My experience of GP's (family doctors) is they just don't have time or inspiration to ask the penetrating questions that unlocks the "other symptoms" we had taken on board, without recognising or being able to describe them. e.g. easily startled, very vigilent, poor or disturbed sleep (nightmares, flash backs), difficulties with memory and concentration.

Many doctors fail to pick up on these teltales unless something stares them in the face - an obvious trama or tramatic event being brought up in conversation. So many seemingly irrational "other" root causes seem to abound - bullying at school, work, residential schools, witnessed disaster or motor vehicle accident, verbal or physical abuse, s*x**l abuse and vixctim of a crime, more ...

In my few months in this forum, there have been so very few posts in this PTSD area, and yet I have, in communicating with peers here, discovered several presenting as anxiety, have unstated historical events which, when mentioned leads me to suspect PTSD and not a general anxiety disorder they have been told they have. PTSD is then found to be the complete and correct diagnosis.

With my short experience on this site this suggests there may be more than a few NMP members are living day to day treating the _symptoms_ anxiety and depression and not the root cause.

I thought I'd post this in case it prompts others to ponder "do I have anxiety / panic disorder or PTSD?" it's easy enough to check - do a goodle search "DSM-IV+PTSD;.com" and see the criteria. Typical examples are ......

Repeatedly remembering the event.
Dreaming about the trauma.
Losing interest in your life.
Feeling separated from others.
Not experiencing many feelings.
Being on alert all the time.
Trouble sleeping.
Feeling guilty.
Trouble remembering things.
Beginning to avoid your life.
Reacting to things that resemble your trauma.
Feeling sad about what happened.
Telling the same incident over and over
Troubles with intimacy.
Troubles with relationships.
Feeling like you cannot control yourself.
Developing an eating disorder.
Developing a drinking disorder.
Developing a chemical abuse disorder.
Trying to control other people
Trying to control the events in your life.
Not leaving your house

I hope this helps someone (or more)...

Antipodes (an-tip-od-ease)- because I'm on the other side of the world)

<div align="right">Originally posted by Antipodes - 12 January 2006 : 21:47:51</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">